Vee: August 14, 2020

Lately I have been feeling exhausted, vulnerable, emotional & mentally drained.  Although I am appreciative for the much needed “rest” of staying home, I also miss the interaction.  I miss hearing a corny joke from Joe, I miss hugging my ladies at...

Peace Notes: August 14, 2020

Best News of the Week: A friend said she was inspired by a wonderful song, “Hallelujah,” written and originally performed by Mamuse. Below is a link to another one of their songs, “We Shall Be Known.” It counterintuitively, I think, speaks to our day as “this great...

Special Peace Notes: August 9, 2020

News from Peace: Peace is considering outdoor worship with appropriate physical distancing sometime in September. I am wondering if you would attend a Sunday morning worship with these conditions or would you continue to experience worship online though the Peace Time...

Peace Time: August 9, 2020

Child of God: Naming Each Other“Let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever flowing stream.” ~Amos 5:24  Worship without justice is not acceptable,rather our songs must move us to action on behalf of justice.Inspired by the Hebrew prophet Amos,...

Peace Time: August 2, 2020

This Peace Time worship experience is a Morning Praise Service done with members of the Celebration Chorale helping with the music. I hope you have time to sit down with your favorite morning beverage as you open your heart and mind to enjoy this worship experience....