Best News of the Week:
A friend said she was inspired by a wonderful song, “Hallelujah,” written and originally performed by Mamuse. Below is a link to another one of their songs, “We Shall Be Known.” It counterintuitively, I think, speaks to our day as “this great turning.”
News from Peace:
by Vee Blomgren
Lately I have been feeling exhausted, vulnerable, emotional & mentally drained. Although I am appreciative for the much needed “rest” of staying home, I also miss the interaction. I miss hearing a corny joke from Joe, I miss hugging my ladies at church, I miss the faces, the snacks, I miss hearing Pastor Gary’s childhood stories, I honestly miss ALL of you!
Most of all, I miss my Peace Kids. What many of you may not know is that we had a really awesome relationship. At least one of my youth kids had a smart ass comment that, although I would never encourage and show them, would have me smiling the rest of the week, lol.
We always spent about 2-4 minutes every Sunday where I would say something backwards or my accent would be very heavy with certain words too and they would correct me and I would tell them don’t correct me it’s how I say it! They meant no harm, as neither did I, it became our culture.
Right before Covid19, we were beginning a court trial, David vs Bathsheba, and they chose sides who to defend. We had adults helping each side and they were so motivated and excited about it. I am struggling, these times are difficult and like never before, I feel without freedom.
These times are difficult for all of us. Some of us are scared, some of us are tired, some of us are depressed, some of us are confused, and some of us do not understand. All your feelings are validated!! On my worst days, I remind myself
So even though these times might be difficult for all of us, DO NOT forget to remember that the God we serve is LIGHT and as long as we stand firm and trust God through our most difficult times, we will OVERCOME because through and with God, we are the LIGHT during these dark times. Chin up, family, gear up and armour yourself with God — The battle is already won, we just need to hurry up and wait!
United Methodist Happenings
Standing Against Racism: Rev. Jesús Purisaca Ruiz
Coronavirus exacerbates economic, racial disparities
Grace Connections of the Week:
Grace Connections invites you to find the power of God’s love in the midst of the harm, confusion and news of the week. Below are a few stories from the news of the week.
Video of the Week:
A Nigerian boy dances ballet in the rain.
You can find the whole story at the link below:
Photos of the Week:
AP PHOTOS: Across faiths, pandemic alters worship, rites
How to Navigate a Midlife Change of Faith
US West faces reckoning over water but avoids cuts for now