Christmas Special Music from Peace

Below you will find opportunities to enjoy two special Christmas season musical offerings created by Peace Community of Faith musicians. The Longest Night: A Winter Service of Healing and HopeWhen it became apparent that Peace would not be able to hold its Advent...

Opportunities to “Fill the Night” with Love

December 6, 2020. This week you have two opportunities to “Fill the Night” with love. Take time this week to watch the documentary “Love them First: Lessons from Lucy Lane Elementary School.” Two links to this documentary follow:   This week pick...

Opportunities to “Fill the Night” with Hope

November 28, 2020. Each week you will be given opportunities to “Fill the Night” with hope. This week you have two opportunities. Take time this week to watch the documentary “Defiant Requiem.” Amazon Prime says Defiant Requiem “is about a rare form of courage, hope...