Join us for worship
Sundays at 10 a.m.
Our mission
reconciling and growing for everyone
partnering with God to experience the flourishing of all things
affirming all people as a gift of God’s love through a careful use of language in our liturgy and music, while celebrating and including all people at every level of leadership and service

In fall of 2023, Pastor Jason 'retraced' the six passages often used to exclude the LGBTQ+ community. As an inclusive space, we hope this series provides a helpful deconstruction and reconstruction as we move towards the flourishing of all people.
Pt 1
Pt 2
Pt 3
Pt 4
Pt 5

Current Series: Story Telling
Most of us know stories from the Bible: Adam & Eve, David & Goliath, Jesus Walking on Water. For many of us, we were taught these stories at a young age. But how many of these Sunday School stories have we revisited as adults? And if we have revisited them, we’ve found them to be more problematic than we remembered.
This series will explore and reimagine some of the most common stories from the Bible. And to do so, we will actually hear the ‘children’s version’ during the service and then we will unpack the story in the message.
January 5 | Adam & Eve
January 12 | Noah’s Ark
January 19 | Joseph and his Dreams
January 26 | David & Goliath
February 2 | Daniel and the Lion’s Den
February 9 | Jonah and the Whale
February 16 | Jesus Walks on Water
February 23 | Jesus Heals a Man Lowered Through the Ceiling
March 2 | Jesus Raises Lazarus from the Dead
Jason Steffenhagen
“Be transformed by changing the way you think” (Romans 12.2). It’s my belief that God is always renewing, reconciling, recreating, restoring, and resurrecting all things. Whether through Biblical exploration, spiritual formation, or justice-infused reconciliation – Peace is a place to simultaneously be known and loved, while challenged to grow and serve. Let’s join God in the good news and the good work of being people of shalom – PEACE!

Frequently Asked Questions
What are your service times?
Sundays at 10:00 a.m.
Nursery (birth thru pre-K) is available.
Children’s Church (Kindergarten thru 5th grade) takes place during the worship service, children are dismissed prior to the start of the message.
Middle school and high school students are invited to participate in the worship service. Encore (our youth group) meets every Sunday night (6:30-8:00pm).
You can also listen to our Podcast if you can’t make the service in person.
Are you a part of the main Methodist Church or the Global Methodists?
Peace is affiliated with the connectional ministry of the Minnesota Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church. We have not and do not intend to disaffiliate to the Global Methodists.
We support and stand behind the Minnesota Annual Conference as it affirms the inclusion of all people.
Do you recommend that your members vote in any particular way?
No. We are not a partisan church that expects or encourages people to vote in a particular way, for a particular political party, or for a particular candidate.
That doesn’t mean we don’t talk about politics or how political choices impact people, especially those that are historically marginalized or oppressed. The Bible is often political. Jesus doesn’t shy away from critiquing the systems that often benefit one group over (or at the expense of) another group. These systems in our world often find themselves being political talking points.
We won’t tell people how to vote. But we will emphasize God’s love for all people, the need to address systemic change, and God’s expectation that we tangibly serve and sacrifice for others.
Who is welcome, who can be in leadership, and who can take communion (the Lord’s Supper or Eucharist)?
EVERYONE is welcome. We want all people to know they belong and can find rest with us.
ANYONE can be a leader. We want everyone to find a place to invest their time and talent into the mission of Peace (to be reconciling and growing for everyone). We don’t restrict anyone from leadership based on gender, race, or sexual orientation.
EVERYONE can take communion. We believe in an open table as a means of grace that was initiated by Jesus, the Christ. The Greek word Eucharist means ‘a good gift’. All who want to participate in the Christ-like way of grace, discipleship, humility, forgiveness, and love are invited. This good gift from Christ is given to all, and in response we give that gift to others. Our table is open!
What children and youth programs do you offer?
Kindergarten thru 5th Grade | We offer Children’s Church, which takes place during the Sunday morning worship time. Children start in the service with their parents or loved ones, then are invited to Children’s Church prior to the start of the message.
Middle School and High School Students | We offer Encore, our youth group. Encore takes place every Sunday evening from 6:30-8:00pm.
Families | We also have Family Game Night! Each month we host Family Game Night on a Sunday evening from 5:00-6:30pm. But this isn’t just for people with kiddos, it’s for the entire community (the church family!).
Peace will provide the drinks and desserts. We invite everyone to bring a dish or side to share. When it’s warm enough, we like to grill hot dogs over an open fire. When it’s cold, we often enjoy pizza in the Fellowship Hall.
What is worship and music like at Peace? And what’s the vibe at Peace?
We have some traditional elements: a call to worship, responsive readings and prayers, and a reading from Scripture.
Our music can be hymns, modern worship music, spiritual but not religious, or something altogether different. Each Sunday is unique.
Sermons are often 20 minutes and based on a specific theme.
The vibe is casual. Feel free to come as you are.