TUESDAY NEWS (on a Thursday!)

Thursday, June 29, 2023 _____ Sunday Preview (July 2, 2023) ___ Our Summer Series: The Music That Made Us What songs have resonated with you? What lyrics have put words to your longings and your struggles? How has music touched your soul and impacted your faith?...

CORRECTION | Joe Hatcher Memorial at 6pm

The time of Joe Hatcher’s memorial service was incorrectly listed in the Tuesday News. It will be taking place this Saturday at 6pm (central time zone). I’m sorry for the confusion. Below is the same information, with the accurate time. _____ On Saturday,...

TUESDAY NEWS (on a Wednesday!)

Wednesday, June 21, 2023 _____ Sunday Preview (June 25, 2023) ___ Our Summer Series: The Music That Made Us What songs have resonated with you? What lyrics have put words to your longings and your struggles? How has music touched your soul and impacted your...

Juneteenth | Freedom Day 2023

Today is Juneteenth! Juneteenth celebrates the end of enslavement for all Black Americans. This holiday is dedicated to acknowledging and honoring the achievements, contributions, and vibrancy of our Black community. As a reconciling and growing community for...

TUESDAY NEWS (on a Thursday!)

Thursday, June 15, 2023 Sunday Preview (June 18, 2023) Our Summer Series: The Music That Made Us What songs have resonated with you? What lyrics have put words to your longings and your struggles? How has music touched your soul and impacted your faith? This...