Sunday Service | October 9, 2022

Almost Out Of Cheeks | What does it mean to be a peacemaker in the world today? How do we end the myth of redemptive violence and move towards a new way (a third way) of confronting injustices? A way that doesn’t return evil with violence, but demands to be seen...

Celebrating 60! | Service of Dedication

On Sunday, October 9th we celebrated our 60th anniversary with a wonderful service of dedication. Bishop David Bard provided a wonderful greeting on behalf of the Conference, the Celebration Chorale and the Ringers of Peace (both under the direction of Dave Tidball)...

Sunday Service | October 2, 2022

‘Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.’ We’ve often been taught to get as much as we can as quick as we can, before it runs out. This scarcity mindset has impacted how we do life in community. But what if we had a different mindset?...

Sunday Service

September 18, 2022 It’s Rally Sunday!! In the middle of this service, we took time for people to learn about the different ministries and opportunities for involvement at Peace. These are the tangible ways that we are living out our mission and purpose. Pastor...

State of Peace

September 11, 2022 After the Sunday Service on September 11, we heard from representatives of the Trustees, Finance, and SPRC committees. We also heard an update from Pastor Jason about a name clarification, plans for the 60th Celebration, and our new church slogan...

Peace Time: August 28, 2022

Faith and Christianity have become such a cognitive endeavor over the centuries. We’ve got creeds and dogmas and doctrines and statements of faith and sacraments – and the lists could go on. But the story in the Bible is about a trajectory of being in the world,...