Aug 28, 2020 | Peace Newsletter
Best News of the Week: ‘Food Desert’ to City Oasis: Athletes Help Chicago Teens Transform Liquor Store Into Pop-Up Market News from...
Aug 2, 2020 | Peace Time, Uncategorized, Worship
This Peace Time worship experience is a Morning Praise Service done with members of the Celebration Chorale helping with the music. I hope you have time to sit down with your favorite morning beverage as you open your heart and mind to enjoy this worship experience....
Jul 31, 2020 | Peace Newsletter, Uncategorized
Best News of the Week: Typically, this is an uplifting video or story. However, this week I have chosen to share a story about a person holding a “Black Lives Matter” sign in Harrison, Arkansas; the headquarters of the Ku Klux Kan. WARNING, this video includes...
Jul 12, 2020 | Uncategorized
Beguiled by Beauty Worship Experience Thanks for joining Peace Time, an audio worship experience with Peace Community of Faith. We are created to be embraced by God’s love and see ourselves as beautiful. We are living in Covid time, a time when we not only can forget...
May 31, 2020 | Peace Newsletter, What's New
May 30, 2020 During Peace Conversation yesterday I invited people to join me in the Speedway parking lot across from Cup Food at the corner of Chicago Ave. and 38th St. to show your respect for George Floyd and protest the injustice of his murder. I will be there from...