May 31, 2020 | Peace Newsletter, What's New
May 30, 2020 During Peace Conversation yesterday I invited people to join me in the Speedway parking lot across from Cup Food at the corner of Chicago Ave. and 38th St. to show your respect for George Floyd and protest the injustice of his murder. I will be there from...
May 19, 2020 | What's New
May 18, 2020 Dear Rev. Gary Walpole and Members and Friends of Peace UMC, We are writing to express our deep appreciation and thanks to you for your incredible leadership during this unprecedented and challenging time. We know the enormous work it has taken for you to...
May 14, 2020 | What's New
On Easter morning, several people from our community of faith gathered in ten cars in the Peace parking lot to caravan past the homes of ten other Peace participants. A great time was had by all, despite the wintry weather. See for yourself!