Peace Notes: Online Updates

January 28, 2021. I would like to share with you some updates to our weekly online events. A Future-Focused FaithFirst, we will continue to post a weekly “Forward-Focused Faith” video on the Peace website and send it out in an email that includes a Zoom invite to...

Forward-Focused Faith: For the Bible Tells Me So

January 30, 2021. In Christian tradition, the season of Epiphany focuses on the divinity of Jesus. But epiphany can also be “any situation in which an enlightening realization allows a situation to be understood from a new and deeper perspective.” From this...

Peace Musical Meditations: January 23, 2021

My patriotic musical musings are usually limited to Sundays around national holidays like Memorial Day and Independence Day. However, the Presidential Inauguration and events surrounding it this past week have stirred deep emotional responses in me – perhaps in...

Peace Time: January 24, 2020

A Forward-Focused Faith: …through Jesus Christ.In Christian tradition, the season of Epiphany focuses on the divinity of Jesus. But epiphany can also be “any situation in which an enlightening realization allows a situation to be understood from a new and deeper...