Dear Participants of Peace Community of Faith,

Once again, we will do something we have never done before. We will hold our Church Conference/Congregational Meeting via Zoom. I encourage you to take the time to participate!

This is your invitation to participate in the Zoom meeting. The simplest way to join the Church Conference/Congregational Meeting is by clicking the bolded “Join Zoom Meeting” link below and follow the instructions:

Gary Walpole is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Peace Zoom Church Conference
Time: Jan 24, 2021 11:30 AM Central Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 984 3261 0585
Passcode: 773566

When you arrive at the meeting

When you arrive at the meeting your microphone will be turned off and you will be given instructions on how to participate in the meeting by raising your hand to make amendments, discuss motions and ask for clarification and how to vote by using the poll function. 

Action Items
2021 Peace Ministry Budget
You can find a copy of the proposed 2021 Peace Ministry Budget at:

2021 Peace Leadership

If you will not be participating in the Peace Zoom Church Conference/Congregational Meeting and would like to discuss the agenda, please call me at 651-387-4095 any time before Sunday morning.

In Christ’s Love,