Dec 30, 2020 | Peace Newsletter
December 28, 2020 Dear Friends, I hope your celebration of Christmas was meaningful during this bizarre year of 2020. All of us have had to learn to do things in a new way. One of the hardest things we are doing at Peace right now is a Stewardship campaign to...
Dec 27, 2020 | Peace Time, Worship
Sunday after Christmas Believe This: The Time has Come Welcome! Our human story is fraught with pain–especially the pain that comes accompanied by a fear which leads to division, hate and violence. This is the world into which Jesus was born and through which his...
Dec 25, 2020 | Peace Newsletter
The Ministry Team of Peace is very thankful for the people of Peace Community of Faith and we wish you a grace-filled joy this Christmas and a transforming 2021.Where is the child who has been born king of the Jews? For we observed his star at its rising, and have...
Dec 24, 2020 | Peace Time, Worship
Lessons and Carols During this Peace Time Worship Experience, we will celebrate Christmas with a modern adaptation of the Festival of Lessons and Carols, first developed in 1880 and which has been celebrated yearly at Kings College in Cambridge, England, since 1918....
Dec 21, 2020 | Announcements, Music
Below you will find opportunities to enjoy two special Christmas season musical offerings created by Peace Community of Faith musicians. The Longest Night: A Winter Service of Healing and HopeWhen it became apparent that Peace would not be able to hold its Advent...