Peace Notes: Stewardship Update

December 28, 2020 Dear Friends, I hope your celebration of Christmas was meaningful during this bizarre year of 2020. All of us have had to learn to do things in a new way.  One of the hardest things we are doing at Peace right now is a Stewardship campaign to...

Peace Time: December 27, 2020

Sunday after Christmas Believe This: The Time has Come Welcome!  Our human story is fraught with pain–especially the pain that comes accompanied by a fear which leads to division, hate and violence. This is the world into which Jesus was born and through which his...

Peace Notes: December 25, 2020

The Ministry Team of Peace is very thankful for the people of Peace Community of Faith and we wish you a grace-filled joy this Christmas and a transforming 2021.Where is the child who has been born king of the Jews? For we observed his star at its rising, and have...

Peace Time: December 24, 2020

Lessons and Carols During this Peace Time Worship Experience, we will celebrate Christmas with a modern adaptation of the Festival of Lessons and Carols, first developed in 1880 and which has been celebrated yearly at Kings College in Cambridge, England, since 1918....

Christmas Special Music from Peace

Below you will find opportunities to enjoy two special Christmas season musical offerings created by Peace Community of Faith musicians. The Longest Night: A Winter Service of Healing and HopeWhen it became apparent that Peace would not be able to hold its Advent...