May 17, 2020 | Peace Time, Worship
Thanks for joining Peace Time, an audio worship experience with Peace Community of Faith. The life and death of Jesus had one strong message that was both overt and inherent: love one another. The heart of the matter was, is, and always shall be… love....
May 15, 2020 | Peace Newsletter
Peace Notes is here to bring you some uplifting news during this Covid 19 pandemic as well as keep you up to date on what is happening at Peace and within the United Methodist Church. Best Thing of the Week: We are living by Covid time… This video reminds us how to...
May 14, 2020 | What's New
On Easter morning, several people from our community of faith gathered in ten cars in the Peace parking lot to caravan past the homes of ten other Peace participants. A great time was had by all, despite the wintry weather. See for yourself!
May 10, 2020 | Peace Time, Worship
May 10, 2020 Thanks for joining Peace Time, an audio worship experience with Peace Community of Faith.The life and death of Jesus had one strong message that was both overt and inherent: love one another. The heart of the matter was, is, and always shall...