Dec 12, 2020 | Peace Time, Worship
Third Sunday in Advent I Believe in God: Ode to Joy Welcome! Our human story is fraught with pain–especially the pain that comes accompanied by a fear which leads to division, hate and violence. This is the world into which Jesus was born and through which his...
Dec 5, 2020 | Peace Time, Worship
Second Sunday in AdventI Believe in Love: Daring Right Relationship Welcome! Our human story is fraught with pain–especially the pain that comes accompanied by a fear which leads to division, hate and violence. This is the world into which Jesus was born and through...
Nov 28, 2020 | Peace Time, Worship
Welcome! Our human story is fraught with pain–especially the pain that comes accompanied by a fear which leads to division, hate and violence. This is the world into which Jesus was born and through which his teachings would challenge and call for...
Nov 22, 2020 | Peace Time, Worship
Welcome! Before you settle in a comfortable place to watch this morning’s worship service, you may wish to open the bulletin in a separate tab/window or print it out. You may wish to read along and respond aloud with the readings and prayers in the bold print....
Nov 15, 2020 | Peace Time, Worship
Welcome! Before you settle in a comfortable place to watch this morning’s worship service, you may wish to open the bulletin and Sacred Story in a separate tab/window or print them out. You may wish to read along and respond aloud with the readings and prayers...
Nov 8, 2020 | Peace Time, Worship
Welcome! Before you settle in a comfortable place to watch this morning’s worship service, you may wish to open the bulletin and Sacred Story in a separate tab/window or print them out. You can participate by reading along with the readings and prayers in the...