Second Sunday in Advent
I Believe in Love: Daring Right Relationship
Our human story is fraught with pain–especially the pain that comes accompanied by a fear which leads to division, hate and violence. This is the world into which Jesus was born and through which his teachings would challenge and call for transformation.
This is also our world today. The opening words of an anonymous Jewish poet, “I believe in the sun, even when the sun is not shining,” were written during World War 2, on the wall of a cellar, by a Jew in the Cologne concentration camp.
“I Believe Even When…” is the Peace Time Worship Experience theme as we prepare for Christmas. It is an invitation to transformation and reconciliation through hope, love, joy, and peace. Let us fill the night with music and light and affirm and act on the reasons why we can still “believe, even when” we are discouraged.
What you will need if you want to participate in worship:
Each week during Advent we will light a candle during worship and, toward the end of worship, put it in the Advent wreath. If you would like, you too can purchase candles and an Advent wreath to participate. Each week there will also be an opportunity to participate in communion; you will want to have a bite-sized piece of bread and a small cup of juice or wine ready.
You can participate in the Peace Time worship experience by clicking on the link below:
Thank you for joining us!