Wednesday, June 21, 2023
Sunday Preview (June 25, 2023)

Our Summer Series: The Music That Made Us
What songs have resonated with you? What lyrics have put words to your longings and your struggles? How has music touched your soul and impacted your faith? This summer we will highlight the music that has made us.
Send me your songs! ( And when you do, tell me why it has resonated with you.
THIS SUNDAY: For Everyone Born, A Place At The Table | On Thursday morning of Annual Conference, we were led into a time of communion by singing a beautiful song of inclusion and hospitality, For Everyone Born, A Place At The Table. So when Dave Tidball emailed me a list of songs from one of his favorite hymn writers – Shirley Erena Murray – and I saw this song on the list, it seemed too perfect. Especially in the midst of Pride month, and as a reconciling community, this song captures our value to be a place where everyone belongs.
AND! It’s Blessing of the Animals Sunday. So bring your best buddies. If it rains, we will be indoors…but that shouldn’t keep any animals away…unless they would eat all the treats!
Memorial Service for Joe Hatcher
On Saturday, June 24th at 2pm (central time), there will be a memorial service for Joe Hatcher at Santa Cruz Valley United Methodist Church in Sahuarita, Arizona.
For those would like to watch, they will be live-streaming on Facebook ( You will also be able to find a recording of the service on Facebook at a later time.
Pride @ Peace

At Peace, we affirm the dignity and worth of all persons and celebrate the image of God found in each unique child of God.
There are numerous events taking place in Loring Park this weekend. If you would like to participate in the parade, as a reconciling congregation, we can join others! Below is the information:
MN Reconciling Congregations is group #65 and should meet on 3rd Ave. (street where all staging is done) between 3rd St. and 2nd St. There is a bus stop on the corner of 2nd Ave and 3rd St, if it’s not obvious where the group is, meet at the bus stop someone from our group can direct you to the meeting area. A map of the area is attached. PRIDE March Map
We need to line up between 10 and 11; please aim for 10:30 arrival at the latest. We will serve communion before we hit the street. The March kicks off at 11 and we are in the middle of the line up.
Other details
- Signs: We have a new banner and signs. Churches are welcome to bring any non-word things that they like (candy to pass out, boas, fans, bubbles, etc. etc.), We ask that churches not bring signs or banners.
- Shirts: People are welcome to wear tshirts from their churches, as long as the wearer is confident that if an LGBTQ+ person visited their church, they would be accepted and affirmed. If anything, just dress colorfully and wear good walking shoes!
- Handouts: You are welcome to bring small handouts that are specific to your church, but again, please only distribute them if you are confident that an LGBTQ+ person would be accepted and affirmed if they visited your congregation.
- Contact: If you need to contact one of the March leaders on Sunday morning, you may call Tyler Sit (612-360-1593). Keep in mind that cell coverage may be poor in the March area.
Family Game Night – Sunday, June 25th @ 5pm

Hot Dogs over an open fire! Drinks and Desserts! Bring a dish to share and bring a friend.
Sunday, June 25th at 5:00pm.
Dog Park Days – Tuesday, June 27th @ 8am

Let’s hang-out with our dogs! Tuesday, June 27th at 8:00am. Rice Creek Off-Leash Dog Area, 5959 Lexington Ave. N.
Men’s Connection – Tuesday, June 27th @ Noon

Men’s Connection Time is coming up on Tuesday, June 27th at noon. Bring your lunch!
COSROW Women’s Retreat
Interested in going on the COSROW Women’s Retreat this fall?
Find more information, including the sign-up link: HERE!
Youth and Family Ministry Updates!
Storm Mountain Service Trip
Youth and any interested adults, pencil in your calendars for a Storm Mountain Service Trip July 30-August 4. More details to come!
Family Game Night
Family Game Night (FGN) is open to all! Everyone is welcome to bring a friend, a dish to share, and a game. Please join us, 5:00–6:30 pm at the Outdoor Worship area or Fellowship Hall. Dates for FGN this summer are: June 25th and August 13th.
Look forward to seeing you there!
Children’s Church
This summer we have two plans: indoors and outdoors.
Indoors: When we have church indoors, we will plan to still have Children’s Church with Amanda and some volunteers.
Outdoors: When we have church outdoors, we will have ‘busy bags’ available for the grade school kids. The preschool-aged kids can go with Amanda and some volunteers to play on the playground.
Upcoming Events
June 25 | Blessing of the Animals | Outdoor Worship
June 25 | Family Game Night
June 27 | Dog Park Day
June 27 | Men’s Connection
July 2 | July 4th Weekend | Outdoor Discussion
July 9 | Communion
July 16 | Outdoor Worship
July 18 | Men’s Connection
August 6 | Communion
August 8 | Men’s Connection
August 13 | Blessing of the Animals | Outdoor Worship
August 13 | Family Game Night
August 22 | Men’s Connection
September 3 | Labor Day Weekend | Outdoor Discussion

Peace | The Podcast can be found on Apple, Spotify, Amazon Music, or almost anywhere you find your podcasts.
Most of what you will hear are the Sunday morning messages, with a few additional elements of the Sunday service.
There is also a new page on our website that helps you navigate to the podcast home page. We will also try to embed episodes on this page.
Peace Prayers

Do you have a specific need?
Do you want to share a specific celebration of gratitude?
Peace Prayers is a space to share specific prayer requests and specific celebrations of gratitude. These are not going to be private…these are public. Our plan is to put them in the bulletin and/ or on a slide in The Commons, and include them in the Tuesday News weekly email.
We invite you to share with one another so we can be a praying people – both in times of hurt and struggle, and in times of joy and celebration.
You can fill-out Peace Prayers HERE:
Volunteer Opportunities
The next Good Neighbor Meal is this Saturday, June 10th. Sign up here to help prepare and serve.
Help with Mowing at Peace. Here’s the link to the SignUp Genius: Peace mowing
The Gardening Group is starting up for the summer! There is a SignUp Genius available at: Peace gardening
Help with Hospitality this summer. Sign-up here.
To help keep the Little Free Library stocked with good books, we are recruiting help. If you would like to join us, you can sign-up HERE!