Tuesday News: July 12, 2022

Sunday Preview: July 17, 2022 When we start school, we have to learn how to get along with a lot of kids who may come from different backgrounds and lives than we have. Sometimes that’s tough to do and we get off the path along the way and end up places we...

Peace Time: July 10, 2022

Today we celebrate Communion together, so you are invited to get yourself a small glass of juice and piece of bread before beginning. Life as Vapor Why does Ecclesiastes talk about life being meaningless? That doesn’t sound like an idea the Bible would talk...

Tuesday News: July 5, 2022

Sunday Preview: July 10, 2022 Why does Ecclesiastes talk about life being meaningless? That doesn’t sound like an idea the Bible would talk about. But maybe there is something profound to learn about what it means to be human wrapped up in the wisdom of this...

Peace Time: July 3, 2022

As many this weekend reflect on what it means to live in America, it is common to be reminded of how polarized we are. We might share a history and we might want a flourishing future, but our differing values and perspectives often create walls. Jesus told a...