May 17, 2022 | Bulletin Board, Peace Newsletter
All-Church Picnic May 22 Join everyone for the fun after church next Sunday for a bonfire picnic potluck extravaganza! We will be in the outside worship area, weather permitting. Be sure to greet Pastor Jason, Michelle and their boys in the midst of the games,...
May 17, 2022 | Children/Youth
Hi Families! It is time for celebration! Peace Community of Faith is hosting a picnic on Sunday after church. Family Ministries is looking for a few volunteers to help with set up, helping with games and floats, and clean up. Please use the Sign-Up Genius link to...
May 16, 2022 | Peace Time, Worship
Trajectories: Crouching at our door How can we think in a healthy way about the story of Cain and Abel found in Genesis 4:2-7? We’re glad you joined us! Come again, virtually or in person (Sunday morning at 10 am), next...
May 10, 2022 | Bulletin Board, Peace Newsletter
Welcome to our new pastor, Jason Steffenhagen! If you haven’t met him yet, please take a few minutes after worship on Sunday to introduce yourselves. You’re all invited to a bonfire (wiener roast and potluck), games and conversation following church on May...
May 9, 2022 | Peace Time, Worship
Trajectories: Written on your doorposts Today we explore a Biblical trajectory for our lives, based on Deuteronomy 6:4-9. Thank you for joining...