Help our Community’s Seniors

Fall Cleanup Days this Saturday (and November 6 if needed) Northeast Youth & Family Services (NYFS) is currently recruiting adult and youth volunteers, and Peace is coordinating efforts to help. Work will be conducted according to current COVID-19 safety protocols...

Social Justice at Peace

October 11, 2021. Peace Community of Faith is looking for individuals interested in being representatives to other social justice groups. Below are a few possibilities. If you are interested being a representative from Peace to one of these groups, please contact...

Peace Time: October 10, 2021

During this worship experience we will ponder anew the question of eternal life, as we celebrate the eternal possibilities of life offered by God. Won’t you join us again next...

Peace Time: October 3, 2021

This worship experience explores tough questions. When confronted with the hard issues of life, it is important to be able to withhold judgement while we listen so we can respond with loving grace that can heal and bring justice. Thank you for joining us...