Sep 9, 2021 | Bulletin Board, Peace Newsletter
Family Ministries invites YOU to an all-church outdoor event following worship on Sunday, September 12! It features picnic foods(think hot dogs—both beef and vegetarian options—with salads, root beer floats, and s’mores)and socially-distanced yard games(bags,...
Sep 8, 2021 | Bulletin Board, Peace Newsletter
Northeast Youth & Family Services (NYFS) is currently recruiting adult and youth volunteers, and Peace is coordinating efforts to help. Work will be conducted according to current COVID-19 safety protocols to protect both volunteers and seniors. Tasks may include...
Sep 6, 2021 | Peace Time, Worship
Have you ever said something that you came to regret? Has anyone ever challenged you in a way that caused you to rethink an attitude or belief, and, consequently, change your perspective? It would be unusual for us to answer “no” to either of these questions. Thanks...
Sep 3, 2021 | Bulletin Board, Peace Newsletter
August 31, 2021. As we begin to create our new normal, the Steering Committee would like to gather your thoughts about Peace Church. Your responses will also assist our team as we plan the 2022 Stewardship Drive. We value everyone’s input as all of you are valued...
Sep 1, 2021 | Bulletin Board, Peace Newsletter
Having a SignUp Genius page for multiple Good Neighbor Meals worked so well over the summer that Pam has continued this practice and created a sign up page that includes all the Peace Good Neighbor Meals through the end of 2021. The link to this webpage is at the end...