Jun 21, 2021 | Children/Youth
A warm welcome to Amanda Jacobson, who began work on June 16 as our new part-time Coordinator for Children and Youth Ministries Peace Community of Faith has been my faith home since I was a teenager. I’ve been the program coordinator at Good Neighbor Center, a youth...
Jun 21, 2021 | Peace Time, Worship
A psalmist puts trust in God, praising God for standing with and on behalf of the oppressed, Paul teaches us to persevere in faith even through times of trial and difficulty, Jesus brings calm to a storm with words of peace, and David discards Saul’s armor and stands...
Jun 17, 2021 | Adult, Peace Conversations
Please join us for Peace Conversations from 9:00 am to 10:00 am this Saturday morning, and invite a friend, as we explore questions in Freeing Jesus. The topic for Peace Conversations for June and July 2021 is “Freeing Jesus,” based on the book with the...
Jun 14, 2021 | Peace Time, Worship
The story of David’s anointing suggests that the qualities that constitute a good leader are sometimes apparent to God, but not always obvious to others. Yet, scripture reveals to us the surprising nature of God, calling to unexpected leadership those whom God sees...
Jun 11, 2021 | Bulletin Board, Peace Newsletter
Bring your pet(s), and come join us on Sunday, June 13, at 10 am in the Outdoor Chapel. It’s a second Sunday of the month, and that means it’s your chance to introduce your furry, feathered, or otherwise-clothed companions to your friends at Peace and have...