Peace Conversations: Love is the Way (Session 6)

April 24, 2021.Based on the book “Love Is The Way: Holding on to Hope in Troubling Times” by Episcopal Bishop Michael Curry. This Saturday April 24, 2021 – 9:30 am – 11:00 am9:30-10:00 Gathering Time (Visit and learn Zoom Tools)10:00-11:00 Peace Conversation If you...

Peace Time: April 18, 2021

While in Joy: Dancing During Disbelief and Wonder. Sometimes we are unsure about our steps in this world. For the disciples, even “while in their joy” at seeing Jesus after the resurrection, they were still “disbelieving and wondering.” We are reminded that even...

Peace Conversations: Love is the Way (Session 5)

April 17, 2021. Based on the book “Love Is The Way: Holding on to Hope in Troubling Times” by Episcopal Bishop Michael Curry. This Saturday April 17, 2021 – 9:30 am – 11:00 am9:30-10:00 Gathering Time (Visit and learn Zoom Tools)10:00-11:00 Peace Conversation If you...

Sunday Zoom Fellowships Discontinued

April 15, 2021. No More Sunday Morning Zoom Fellowship Times Zoom Fellowship times have been discontinued, effective immediately. Reminder: we are now worshiping in person on Sundays at 10:00 am in the sanctuary. 

Good Neighbor Volunteers Needed

Summer is a challenging time to find volunteers for the Good Neighbor Meal. We’re trying a new approach this year that we hope will be more efficient and effective. The link below includes ALL of the summer Good Neighbor Meal dates. So it is now possible to look...