Aug 30, 2020 | Peace Time, Worship
I Choose Love: Communities of Forgiveness“Let justice roll down like waters,and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.” ~Amos 5:24 Worship without justice is not acceptable,rather our songs must move us to action on behalf of justice.Inspired by the Hebrew...
Aug 30, 2020 | Children/Youth
August 30,...
Aug 28, 2020 | Peace Newsletter
Best News of the Week: ‘Food Desert’ to City Oasis: Athletes Help Chicago Teens Transform Liquor Store Into Pop-Up Market News from...
Aug 25, 2020 | Peace Newsletter, Uncategorized
Best News of the Week:The Peanuts folks helping us celebrate “Stayin’ Alive.” News from Peace A Short Music Concertby David TidballI have the privilege of working with some fine musicians (and good friends) here at Peace. With the pandemic dictating that large groups...