Peace Time: January 9, 2022

During this week’s worship experience, we will explore how God draws near to us. God draws near with an inner voice of love and rejoices when we see love around us. God invites us to hear and see that we are Beloved. May we be reflections of God’s love in...

Peace Time: January 2, 2022

This Sunday, we incorporate a special musical video presentation, performed by our Celebration Chorale, into our worship service. Peace, by gifted contemporary composer/arranger Joel Raney, uses arrangements of many favorite carols of the season, along with short...

Peace Time: December 26, 2021

There is NO in-person worship this morning at Peace Community of Faith. Instead, please worship online with the Minnesota Conference of the United Methodist Church and their special video worship experience, “Divine Interruption.” It features various voices from...

Peace Time: Christmas Eve, 2021

Christmas Eve at Peace is typically the traditional Festival of Lessons and Carols, developed in 1880 and celebrated at Kings College in Cambridge, England, since 1918. Last year was an exceptional year because it was not safe for us to gather in-person as a faith...