Jul 11, 2022 | Peace Time, Uncategorized, Worship
Today we celebrate Communion together, so you are invited to get yourself a small glass of juice and piece of bread before beginning. Life as Vapor Why does Ecclesiastes talk about life being meaningless? That doesn’t sound like an idea the Bible would talk...
Jul 4, 2022 | Peace Time, Worship
As many this weekend reflect on what it means to live in America, it is common to be reminded of how polarized we are. We might share a history and we might want a flourishing future, but our differing values and perspectives often create walls. Jesus told a...
Jun 27, 2022 | Peace Time, Worship
As we’ve been reminded by the recent Supreme Court ruling, gun violence at schools, churches, and grocery stores, unjust war, and a pandemic that continues to devastate families and divide communities, there is much in life that is causing us stress and anxiety. What...
Jun 20, 2022 | Peace Time, Worship
Did Jesus ever need to learn? As fully human (and fully God), it makes sense that Jesus would grow from his interactions with others. When we look at Mark 7:24-30, we see a challenging and intriguing (and heartbreaking) story. Who are you learning from? Thanks for...
Jun 14, 2022 | Peace Time, Worship
The Most Necessary Parts As the human body, which has many parts, is a unity, and those parts, despite their multiplicity, constitute one single body, so it is with the body of Christ. For we were all baptized by the Spirit into one body, whether we were Jews,...
Jun 6, 2022 | Peace Time, Worship
It’s an old story The heavens proclaim the glory of God. The skies display God’s craftsmanship.Day after day they continue to speak; night after night they make God known.They speak without a sound or word; their voice is never heard.Yet their message has...