Peace Time: July 4, 2021

Jesus’ hometown crowd didn’t think much of him – they said he was behaving way above his station. Why weren’t they happy a local had made good? Human nature is like that, when people we know change, we don’t hesitate to remind them of the foibles of their past as if...

Peace Time: June 27, 2021

People of all ages have experienced reaching out for compassion or help, for themselves or others. This week, the author of the gospel of Mark celebrates healing to the lowest, the smallest and the outcast, in the form of the hemorrhaging woman and Jairus’ daughter....

Peace Time: June 20, 2021

A psalmist puts trust in God, praising God for standing with and on behalf of the oppressed, Paul teaches us to persevere in faith even through times of trial and difficulty, Jesus brings calm to a storm with words of peace, and David discards Saul’s armor and stands...

Peace Time: June 13, 2021

The story of David’s anointing suggests that the qualities that constitute a good leader are sometimes apparent to God, but not always obvious to others. Yet, scripture reveals to us the surprising nature of God, calling to unexpected leadership those whom God sees...

Peace Time: June 6, 2021

To follow God is to relinquish some of our freedom. We do not become imprisoned or pinned down by following God, though. When we choose to follow God’s lead in our lives, we become vulnerable in some ways because we are no longer our own, but God’s. There are many...

Peace Time: May 30, 2021

Called, Cleaned, and Committed. Many of us share Isaiah’s doubt about their ability to serve or lead. It is easy to see our inadequacies and faults, and yet God sees us as able and calls us to lead. God’s grace makes up for our weakness and empowers us to accomplish...