Short Musical Meditations from Peace

December 31, 2020. Every year, I find that the majority of my Christmas music remains unplayed and unsung. There is so much music, and the season is short. As I was refiling music earlier this week, I happened upon three songs that I wish I had found an occasion for...

Christmas Special Music from Peace

Below you will find opportunities to enjoy two special Christmas season musical offerings created by Peace Community of Faith musicians. The Longest Night: A Winter Service of Healing and HopeWhen it became apparent that Peace would not be able to hold its Advent...

Making the Best of a Virtual World

September 19, 2020 With close personal contact still a health-threatening endeavor, our church music groups are still not able to gather together for weekly rehearsals. And, though we are beginning in-person worship sessions this month, much of the normal...

Peace Music: A Short Music Concert

August 25, 2020 – I have the privilege of working with some fine musicians (and good friends) here at Peace. With the pandemic dictating that large groups should not gather for music making, I have been working with some smaller groups. The month of July saw...

Peace Music: Living Hand in Hand

July 1, 2020 — As the Governor’s “Stay at Home” order was taking hold back in mid-April, Cindy and I were trying to figure out how to celebrate our son Jeff’s birthday in late April without being able to be physically present. We had been...

Peace Music: The Happy Wanderer Suite

Below is a link to a couple pieces of music done by our Music Ministry Director, Dave Tidball, and sent for your joy. Joy is a wonderful, spontaneous feeling. But it is also a spiritual discipline. Sometimes it is important and healthy to focus on joy even when your...