TUESDAY NEWS (on a Thursday!)

Thursday, February 2, 2023 Sunday Preview (February 5, 2023) Love DIFFERENTLY | For the next 3 Sundays, we are going to dive into the book of RUTH. This short book (only four chapters) is flooded with wisdom and insight for how we can LOVE, SEE, and LIVE DIFFERENTLY....

TUESDAY NEWS (on a Thursday!)

Thursday, January 26, 2023 Sunday Preview (January 29, 2023) HOW WE GROW | We’ve built the container. We are struggling with doubt or wrestling with our faith. We want to be committed and stay curious. So now what? What does faith look like as I keep moving...

Tuesday News (on a Wednesday!)

Wednesday, January 11, 2023 Sunday Preview (January 15, 2023) HOW WE GROW | Last week we were ‘building our container’ – reflecting on the foundation of faith we were handed. This Sunday, we will ask – What happens when that foundation is...

New Podcast!

January 10, 2023 We’ve started a PODCAST! Peace | The Podcast can be found on Apple or almost anywhere you find your podcasts. Our home page is on Podbean: https://peacethepodcast.podbean.com/ Most of what you will hear are the Sunday morning messages, with...

TUESDAY NEWS (on a Wednesday!)

Wednesday, January 3, 2023 Sunday Preview (January 8, 2023) HOW WE GROW | As we head into the new year, let’s talk about how we grow spiritually. As humans, we grow in all sorts of ways – physically, emotionally, cognitively, behaviorally, relationally...

Epiphany Traditions

Tuesday, January 3, 2023 On Sunday, January 1, we watched a message recorded by our newly appointed Bishop for the Dakotas/ Minnesota, Lanette Plambeck. Here is a short description of her theme: “In her inaugural sermon to the Minnesota Conference as our newly...