Join a Peace Conversation on Zoom: Saturday, October 30

Thin Places – Opening the Heart Date: Saturday October 30, 2021Time: 9 am – 10 amDuring The Heart of Christianity we will join in conversation on the topics presented in Marcus Borg’s book of the same title. Each Saturday we will look at a concept of the...

Northern Lights Chorale Concert

Northern Lights Chorale Concert A special invitation from Sue Fried, Peace Church: I am a member of the Northern Lights Chorale and after a shutdown of over 17 months, we are masked and singing again. Our program is called  The Awakening and uses music to re-tell of...

Feed My Hungry Children this weekend!

Feed My Hungry Children Mobilepack – October 28-November 1 The “All Hands on Hope” event seeks 2,810 volunteers to pack 614,304 meals to feed 1,683 children around the world for one year. Meals will be packed on-site at Incarnation Lutheran...