Feb 8, 2021 | Peace Time, Worship
Rise and Serve. Here is today’s in-person Peace Time Worship Experience: Thank you for joining us! Peace Time in-person worship experiences, like this one, are recorded, sent out via our email list, and posted on our website...
Feb 4, 2021 | Adult, Uncategorized
February 6, 2021. In Christian tradition, the season of Epiphany focuses on the divinity of Jesus. But epiphany can also be “any situation in which an enlightening realization allows a situation to be understood from a new and deeper perspective.” From this...
Feb 1, 2021 | Peace Time, Worship
What happens when we live in convulsive times and it seems unclean spirits are too numerous?This is the focus of today’s in-person Peace Time Worship Experience: Thank you for joining us! Peace Time in-person worship experiences, like this one, are recorded,...