TUESDAY NEWS (on a Wednesday!)
Wednesday, November 20, 2024
Sunday Preview – November 24, 2024

This Sunday | November 24th | TAMAR – Special Guest Lisa Adams from 40 Orchards will be wrapping up our series with a challenging message about Tamar.
Stewardship is Happening!

Each year in November we ask our community to help us get an idea about what we can expect to receive financially. This pledge is not a binding agreement, but what we hope you’ll be able to do in the coming year.
HERE is our online Pledge Card. (If you have filled out a physical pledge card, you do not need to fill out the online version.)
Below are some updates that should help you see where changes have been made between 2024 and 2025.

Our staffing increases are the biggest investment we will make in seeing our mission move forward. Some of those increases are regular cost of living increases. Some of those increases are for the quality of work that has been done. And we are hoping to financially support a social media specialist that can enhance our online presence.
If you have questions about the changes we are making or where our financial resources are going, please feel free to email Jason (jason@peaceumc.com).
Decorating Help Needed – This Sunday @ 4pm

Join our design team in decorating the sanctuary for Advent and Christmas!
Sunday, November 24th @ 4pm there will be a team of people getting our worship space ready for the holidays and they can use all the help they can get. Talk to Sue Fried if you have any questions.
Church Conference – This Sunday @ 11:15am

Stay after the service on November 24th to vote on the Pastor’s Salary for 2025. This is one of the required annual conferences the church must conduct as part of the United Methodist Church.
Additionally… Presuming the leadership decisions will be completed on this date, we will also ratify the Nominations of people to leadership teams for 2025.
Advent Series | In the Fullness of Time

Join us in December as we unpack the Advent journey through the themes of…
December 1st | Waiting
December 8th | Growing
December 15th | Expecting
December 22nd | Birthing
SAVE THE DATE | Advent Dinner – Sunday, Dec 15th!

Every year Peace hosts a special Advent Dinner. Good food, good company, and good music!
Save the Date: Sunday, December 15th (5:30-8:00pm)
Be on the lookout for more information and how to sign-up.
Banned Books Benefit Concert – December 5th
There’s a benefit concert for banned books in Minneapolis on December 5th, sponsored by Lerner Publishing Group.
You can find more information HERE.
Freedom to Read Foundation – Support Needed
For those looking for a way to support organizations trying to keep books on the shelves and help librarians that are being scrutinized, check out the Freedom to Read Foundation and consider supporting their efforts. Click HERE to learn more.
Hospitality Help – Volunteers Needed

Starting this Sunday (Sept 8th), we could use some hospitality help! All it takes is coming a little early to church with some snacks in hand (including a gluten free option), and a willingness to get the coffee started!
Sign-up HERE if you are able to help: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0948AEAE2EA7F58-hospitality#/
COSROW Raising Support for Emma Norton
Emma Norton is gearing up for the Holidays. They need some specific things…
- Gift Cards (Dollar Tree, Target, Chipotle, Walgreens, etc.)
- Gift Wrapping Supplies (wrapping paper, tape, gift bags, tags, etc.)
Peace will also be putting together gift bags for some of the residents. See more details in future emails!
Upcoming Events
November 24 | If it wasn’t for the women…final message @ 10:00am (sanctuary)
November 24 | Sanctuary Decorating @ 4:00pm (the commons and sanctuary)
November 24 | Youth Group @ 6:30pm (fellowship hall)
November 26 | Men’s Connection @ 12:00 noon (gathering place)
December 1 | Advent: Waiting @ 10:00am (sanctuary)

Peace | The Podcast can be found on Apple, Spotify, Amazon Music, or almost anywhere you find your podcasts.
Most of what you will hear are the Sunday morning messages, with a few additional elements of the Sunday service.
Peace Prayers

Do you have a specific need?
Do you want to share a specific celebration of gratitude?
Peace Prayers is a space to share specific prayer requests and specific celebrations of gratitude. These are not going to be private…these are public. Our plan is to put them in the bulletin and/ or on a slide in The Commons, and include them in the Tuesday News weekly email.
We invite you to share with one another so we can be a praying people – both in times of hurt and struggle, and in times of joy and celebration.
You can fill-out Peace Prayers HERE: https://forms.gle/4YAguMDHmUkJqzjf8
Volunteer Opportunities
The next Good Neighbor Meal is Saturday, December 28th. Sign up here to help prepare and serve.
Help with Hospitality this year. Sign-up HERE.
To help keep the Little Free Library stocked with good books, we are recruiting help. If you would like to join us, you can sign-up HERE!
