Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Sunday Preview (May 28, 2023)

Our Spring Series: Out of the Box & Outside the Lines.
God often brings order to the chaos. But humans have a way of taking the good and using it for power and control. In those moments, God will lead us to color outside the lines and think out of the box. The revolution of love and justice that Jesus so often preached is just such a moment.
Let’s explore stories of God taking us outside the lines, as we imagine where that type of creativity and imagination might be needed in our world today.
THIS SUNDAY: We will be outside. But it won’t be a normal service. The plan is to come ready to talk with one another. Jason will share briefly at the beginning and then have some discussion prompts highlighting the different themes of this past series.

This Summer | The Music That Made Us

What songs have resonated with you? What lyrics have put words to your longings and your struggles? How has music touched your soul and impacted your faith?
This summer we will highlight the music that has made us.
Send me your songs! ( And when you do, tell me why it has resonated with you.

Faith Support with Sojourners Magazine
“Sojourners Magazine has been a key part of my personal faith support plan since I first encountered it while in seminary in the late 1980’s. Issues come out monthly. I read each one cover to cover – breakfast reading that I always look forward to!
“As I finished the most recent issue, I noticed a program Sojourners has where they distribute copies at a significant discount ($20/year as opposed to $40/year for the regular individual rate) to group members who gather together regularly to use the magazine for group reflection and discussion.
“So I thought I would see if there are any Peace Church participants who are interested in forming a Sojourners faith support group.
“Please send me an email at if this idea sounds interesting to you.
“Those who express an interest will help to decide the organizational details for the group (how often we meet, group process, etc.) Thanks for considering this opportunity.” Dave Tidball

Minnesota Council of Churches Event – Thursday Night
The MN Council of Churches is sponsoring an event this Thursday night in Minneapolis called Shifting the Spotlight. Below is a summary of the event. Go to the website to register.
“A prophetic word for Minnesota from Rev. Dr. Otis Moss III.
“Being a white ally means playing a supporting role as BIPOC people take center stage. During this historic shift, how can white Christians embrace roles where they cease to be the stars of the film but are instead cast as extras – people whose advancement of the plot is good but not essential to the future? And how can BIPOC people regain agency and become the leaders they are meant to be?
“On the third anniversary of the murder of George Floyd, Minnesota Council of Churches invites people of faith to an evening with music from Sounds of Blackness and a prophetic word from Rev. Dr. Otis Moss III.
“This event is organized in partnership with the George Floyd family and will conclude in time for participants to join the evening candlelight vigil scheduled at George Floyd Square.”

Hospitality – Help Needed for the Summer

If you like coffee on Sundays or the wonderful treats…consider signing up for Hospitality this summer.
We need people to help with hospitality starting in MAY!
Sign-up here:

Peace Gardening Group
It’s almost time to work on the Peace gardens. Every year, the gardening group plants some annuals around Memorial Day, then volunteers to do watering, weeding, and deadheading on a weekly basis. Two volunteers per week are needed.
There is a SignUp Genius available at: Peace gardening
New gardening volunteers are always welcome.

COSROW Women’s Retreat
Interested in going on the COSROW Women’s Retreat this fall?
Find more information, including the sign-up link: HERE!

Youth and Family Ministry Updates!
Storm Mountain Service Trip
Youth and any interested adults, pencil in your calendars for a Storm Mountain Service Trip July 30-August 4. More details to come!
Family Game Night
Family Game Night (FGN) is open to all! Everyone is welcome to bring a friend, a dish to share, and a game. Please join us, 5:00–6:30 pm at the Outdoor Worship area or Fellowship Hall. Dates for FGN this summer are: June 25th and August 13th.
Look forward to seeing you there!
Encore is a spiritual and social justice minded youth time at Peace. Our last gathering for this season will be Sunday, June 4th.
Children’s Church
This summer we have two plans: indoors and outdoors.
Indoors: When we have church indoors, we will plan to still have Children’s Church with Amanda and some volunteers.
Outdoors: When we have church outdoors, we will have ‘busy bags’ available for the grade school kids. The preschool-aged kids can go with Amanda and some volunteers to play on the playground.

Upcoming Events
May 28 | Memorial Weekend | Outdoor Discussion
June 4 | Communion | Celebrating Graduates
June 6 | Men’s Connection
June 25 | Blessing of the Animals | Outdoor Worship
June 25 | Family Game Night
June 27 | Men’s Connection
July 2 | July 4th Weekend | Outdoor Discussion
July 9 | Communion
July 18 | Men’s Connection
July 23 | Outdoor Worship
August 6 | Communion
August 8 | Men’s Connection
August 13 | Blessing of the Animals | Outdoor Worship
August 13 | Family Game Night
August 22 | Men’s Connection
September 3 | Labor Day Weekend | Outdoor Discussion


Peace | The Podcast can be found on Apple, Spotify, Amazon Music, or almost anywhere you find your podcasts.
Most of what you will hear are the Sunday morning messages, with a few additional elements of the Sunday service.
There is also a new page on our website that helps you navigate to the podcast home page. We will also try to embed episodes on this page.

Peace Prayers

Do you have a specific need?
Do you want to share a specific celebration of gratitude?
Peace Prayers is a space to share specific prayer requests and specific celebrations of gratitude. These are not going to be private…these are public. Our plan is to put them in the bulletin and/ or on a slide in The Commons, and include them in the Tuesday News weekly email.
We invite you to share with one another so we can be a praying people – both in times of hurt and struggle, and in times of joy and celebration.
You can fill-out Peace Prayers HERE:

Volunteer Opportunities
The next Good Neighbor Meal is Saturday, June 10th. Sign up here to help prepare and serve.
The Gardening Group is starting up for the summer! There is a SignUp Genius available at: Peace gardening
Help with Hospitality this summer. Sign-up here.
To help keep the Little Free Library stocked with good books, we are recruiting help. If you would like to join us, you can sign-up HERE!