Announcing a New Website for Peace Church!

We are excited to launch this brand-new website for Peace Community of Faith. It will serve as a welcoming front door to our community of faith as well as the go-to source of information for our regular participants. You can find it at the same URL as before,

Features include:

  • Peace Times, our online worship experience, both current and past
  • Peace Notes, our online newsletter, both current and past
  • Information for members and participants, including links to online giving, committee members, current budget and a calendar of meetings.
  • Information for the public like what we’re about, where we’re located, who’s on the staff, calendar of events (admittedly sparse during this pandemic time!), and links to partners’ and connections’ sites (Good Neighbor Meals, Ralph Reeder Food Shelf, etc.)
  • Opportunities for adults, children and youth to get involved
  • A music page that highlights our various groups and some past experiences
  • How to contact us and sign up for our online communications

We encourage you to use the Contact Us feature to submit photos of church activities or information you’d like us to post. For the participant calendar to be useful, it’s also critical that all committees keep Cindy Tidball ( in the loop on your emails about scheduling, agendas, and minutes.

A big thanks to Cindy Tidball and Dean Jensen for their creativity, hard work, and determination over the past several months to bring this project to fruition.

Now I invite you to go explore it!