January 19, 2021.
Sunday Morning In-person Worship to Resume at Peace!
As the coronavirus pandemic ebbs and flows, so do the social activity restrictions for combating it. This past week, new interim Minnesota/Dakota Annual Conference Bishop David Bard announced a relaxation of restrictions for local congregation in-person gatherings in response to the current waning in the effects of the virus. This change in policy allows our community of faith to once again worship in-person on Sunday mornings. And so, Peace will reopen for in-person worship on Sunday, January 31, 2021 at 10:00 am!
Please enter through the Pioneer Hall doors. Once inside, you will receive further instructions.
I assure you that we will continue our online worship experiences as well, so you may continue to join us in that manner if you prefer.
- Links to the current online worship series, A Forward-Focused Faith, will continue to be emailed out mid-week but discussed on Zoom at a new time, Saturday mornings at 10 am.
- In addition, the Sunday morning in-person worship experience, a more traditional one based on lectionary readings from the gospels, will be video-recorded and made available online, hopefully by sometime in the afternoon of the same day.
- Zoom fellowship times will be scheduled for Sunday mornings at 11:00 am. Watch your email for weekly invitations to join the Zoom discussion and fellowship time.
Note that, while we will email people on our newsletter list with links to both weekly online experiences, you may also access them, at any time, directly from our website at https://peaceumc.com/peace-times/.
We will also continue to produce DVDs of the recordings of our Sunday morning worships. If DVD is the best format for you to participate in Peace worship and you have not been receiving them, please call Pastor Gary at 651-387-4095.
A year ago, I could not imagine we would be living through a pandemic, nor the pain it would cause our families and friends, or the deeper sense of hope that has brought us through the last year. We are not out of the woods yet, but the trees are getting thinner and we can see the way out.
There may well be a few more bumps in the road as we slowly move back to a new normal Sunday morning worship where we can gather without masks and social distancing. Until then, please continue to support and show kindness to each other and all those in your life.
In Christ’s love,
Gary Walpole
Peace Community of Faith