Below is a link to a piece of music done by our Music Ministry Director, Dave Tidball, for the lifting of your spirit.
The ancient affirmation of faith, “Jesus is Lord” is deceptively simple. It is a fitting phrase for the Easter season, but as I have grown older, I have become more and more sceptical of its usefulness. This is because so much of the meaning in the phrase depends on the picture of Jesus in the mind of the person using it. And the spectrum of meaning used to describe Jesus is so vast that it even includes content that contradicts other content.
I do not believe that this problem is one that should cause us to abandon Jesus as central to our spirituality. But I do think that it makes it critical that we be careful and specific in our conversations about the nature of Jesus and what is important about him to our faith. That’s why I wrote this song. I hope you find it helpful in your ongoing task of refining your own thinking about Jesus.