July 12, 2021. The Board of Trustees has recommended that Peace Church purchase two Sharp/NEC 86-inch monitors and two Peerless Electric lift rolling carts along with necessary transmitters, receivers, and cables, installation, and shipping for $18,235.20. The Finance Committee has approved the funding from dedicated and reserve funds (outside of our operational budget). 

People have already provided gifts for the purchase, but if you would also like to contribute you are invited to do so by mailing a check to the church or bringing it to church on a Sunday morning; just be sure to write “monitors” on the memo line.

You will have three opportunities to ask questions and provide feedback to Pastor Gary following worship on July 25 and August 1. If you would prefer, you may call Pastor Gary at 651-387-4095 or email him at gary@peaceumc.com with questions or concerns. 

A Leadership Council meeting will be held via Zoom on Wednesday, August 4 to discuss and vote on the recommendations from Trustees and Finance for the purchase.