NEW SERMON SERIES – Politics & Power
Starting this Sunday (Sept 8th), we are launching into a new series focused on politics and power. Although democracy is a relatively new concept, politics and power are not! Here are some of the topics we will navigate…
September 8th | Theocracy, Monarchy, Democracy (Deuteronomy 17) – How the form of political structures impacts our responsibility
September 15th | Established by God (Romans 13) – What does Paul mean when he says that authorities are ‘established by God’
September 22nd | Give to Caesar (Mark 12) – Did Jesus tell people to pay their taxes…and what else was he trying to say
September 29th | The Humble Christ (Philippians 2) – Why did God become human, especially an oppressed one
October 6th | The Cross and the Sword (Luke 22) – What type of power does Jesus invite us into and how does that differ from Christian Nationalism
October 13th | Rizpah (2 Samuel 21) – What can a concubine of King Saul teach us about politics and power

Starting this Sunday (Sept 8th), we could use some hospitality help! All it takes is coming a little early to church with some snacks in hand (including a gluten free option), and a willingness to get the coffee started!
Sign-up HERE if you are able to help: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0948AEAE2EA7F58-hospitality#/
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