Monday | April 3, 2023

Good Friday Service

Time | 7:00p
Date | Friday, April 7th
What | A contemplative and reflective service centered on the Stations of the Cross. In the midst of busy lives and a chaotic world, it’s important that we slow down and remember the sacrifice and the humility of Christ on the cross.

Pancake Breakfast – Sponsored by Encore

Time | 9:00-9:45a
Date | Sunday, April 9th
What | A pancake breakfast, hosted by Encore (Peace’s youth group), to raise support for the upcoming missions trip to Storm Mountain. Pancakes, sausage, eggs, fruit, coffee, and more! Come early on Easter morning and have breakfast at Peace.
Easter Sunday

Time | 10:00a
Date | Sunday, April 9th
What | Easter Service: I AM the Resurrection and the Life. Join us on Easter Sunday as we celebrate the resurrection of Christ!