Peace Time: November 15, 2020

Welcome!  Before you settle in a comfortable place to watch this morning’s worship service, you may wish to open the bulletin and Sacred Story in a separate tab/window or print them out. You may wish to read along and respond aloud with the readings and prayers...

Peace Time: November 8, 2020

Welcome! Before you settle in a comfortable place to watch this morning’s worship service, you may wish to open the bulletin and Sacred Story in a separate tab/window or print them out. You can participate by reading along with the readings and prayers in the...

Peace Time: November 1, 2020

Life of the Soul I am the resurrection and the life.  John 11:25 Resurrection is the power of Life in the midst of Death. The worship series “Life of the Soul” will explore how we can mindfully experience the power of Life through the presence of the risen...

Peace Time: October 25, 2020

Life of the Soul I am the good shepherd. John 10:11-21 Resurrection is the power of Life in the midst of Death. The worship series “Life of the Soul” will explore how we can mindfully experience the power of Life through the presence of the risen Christ.The faith...

Peace Time: October 18, 2020

Life of the Soul I am the door of the sheep. John 10:1-10 Resurrection is the power of Life in the midst of Death. The worship series “Life of the Soul” will explore how we can mindfully experience the power of Life through the presence of the risen Christ.The faith...