September 21, 2022

Sunday Preview (September 25, 2022)

GOD IS ON YOUR SIDE! Jesus has a message for everyone. He gets up on a mountain, people from all around come to hear him speak. And he starts with this, “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for their’s is the kingdom of heaven.” There is such a humble presence found in these words. These words that are for everyone. These words that invite us all into a relationship with God.

We are beginning our fall series this Sunday. Don’t miss it!

Preview of Jason’s Jot (read more below)

Today’s Jot is a blessing that I heard recently. It speaks wonderfully to the idea of being A Community of Priests!

Celebrating 60!

Join us on Sunday, October 9th for a special celebration as Peace turns 60. We are inviting the whole family – current participants and members, as well as past members, staff, and pastors. This celebration is for everyone!

We want to know if you are coming! RSVP for the luncheon: by October 1st go to Signup Genius ( or call the church at 651-484-2226 and leave a message.

Mark Your Calendars

September 25 – New Series Begins: God is on Your Side!
October 2 – Communion (back to first Sundays)
October 9 – 60th Celebration Sunday
October 20-21 – MEA
October 28-30 – COSROW Women’s Retreat
October 30 – All Saints Sunday

Family Ministry Updates

Family Game Nights
This Sunday, September 25 at 5:00 PM is Family Game Night!  We plan on grilling hot dogs (last time this year) over the fire, eating up the s’mores, and enjoying more floats and games. Feel free to bring a dish to share, chair, indoor or outdoor game! 

Summer Book Club
Our final session has been re-scheduled for this Sunday, September 25 from 11:15-12:15 in The Gathering Place. There was interest in meeting and discussing the book as parents and caregivers. Feel free to attend even if you haven’t read it. We will watch Brene Brown’s Ted Talk, or we may just discuss chapters 5-7 (read it ahead of time if you can). The book is Daring Greatly by Brene Brown.

Volunteer Opportunities

Peace is helping keep Sadie and Joe’s lawn trim and neat this summer while Joe undergoes treatment. Sign up here to help with lawn duty.

The next Good Neighbor Meal is, October 8th. Sign up here to help prepare and serve.

Help us expand the ways we invite others into our faith community through our hospitality:

  • Sunday morning fellowship treats
  • Sunday morning greeting and name tags
  • Wedding coordinator
  • Funeral coordinator

Talk to Quita Bertelsen or Sue Fried, or sign up here to help with hospitality.

Jason’s Jot

I love this blessing by John O’Donohue. I suggest reading it two or three times – maybe even have a partner or friend read it to you over a cup of good coffee. There is something about slowing down and letting good words wash over you.

Two highlights for me:

1-‘May the companionship of your doubt restore what your beliefs leave out.’ – I wish I came up with that!

2-‘May the sufferings your calling brings be but winter before the spring.’ – Such a powerful perspective that is so often needed.

What stands out to you? I would love to hear from you – email me your the part that moves you (

May the blessings released through your hands

Cause windows to open in darkened minds.

May the sufferings your calling brings

Be but winter before the spring.

May the companionship of your doubt

Restore what your beliefs leave out.

May the secret hungers of your heart

Harvest from emptiness its sacred fruit.

May your solitude be a voyage

Into the wilderness and wonder of God.

May your words have the prophetic edge

To enable the heart to hear itself.

May the silence where your calling dwells

Foster your freedom in all you do and feel.

May you find words full of divine warmth

To clothe the dying in the language of dawn.

May the slow light of the Eucharist

Be a sure shelter around your future.

O’Donohue, John. To Bless the Space Between Us: A Book of Blessings (pp. 135-136)