Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Sunday Preview (November 20, 2022)

Matthew 5:11-12 | We are at the end of the Beatitudes! Jesus concludes this dynamic opening to the Sermon on the Mount to comparing those who follow this way of love and mercy and justice to the prophets who came before. How does this counter-cultural way of living compare to what the prophets were doing? What does it mean to be prophetic in our time?

Mark Your Calendars

Nov 20 | Choir performing during Offering (under the direction of new Choir Director, Laura Clapp)

Nov 27 | First Sunday of Advent

Dec 4 | Second Sunday of Advent (Communion Sunday)

Dec 4 | Church Conference – 11:15am

Dec 11 | Third Sunday of Advent

Dec 11 | Advent Dinner – 5:30pm

Dec 18 | Fourth Sunday of Advent

Dec 24 | Christmas Eve (Family Service) – 4pm

Dec 24 | Christmas Eve (Carols and Candles) – 9pm

Dec 25 | Christmas Day (Christmas Morning at Peace) – 10am

Stewardship 2023

We appreciate your willingness to provide helpful information that allows us to accurately create financial goals for Peace, as we seek to be a community that is reconciling and growing for everyone!

Stewardship cards have been sent in the mail. We will also have cards available on Sunday morning at the service. You can place your completed card in the offering plate when it is passed, or turn your card in to the office.

We also have an online form that you can fill-out in lieu of the card. Simply follow THIS LINK

We kindly ask for everyone to complete their card (or fill-out the online form) by November 20th or 27th.

Advent Dinner is BACK!

On Sunday, December 11th, Peace is hosting an Advent Dinner! Please mark your calendars for this special time to celebrate the beautiful season of Advent as we prepare our hearts for Christmas.

Sign-up HERE for the Advent Dinner:

Church Conference on Sunday, December 4th

On Sunday, December 4th we will have a Church Conference to vote on the pastor’s salary and leadership nominations for 2023. We welcome all to attend and participate in this important component of our shared ministry.

Solar Energy and Social Justice Webinar

Join a live Zoom event on Thursday, Nov. 17 at 7pm, where Robert Blake will present on Solar Energy and Social Justice.  Robert is a tribal citizen of the Red Lake Nation, whose passion is spreading the word about renewable energy through communication, cooperation and collaboration.  The event is co-hosted by Northeast and Northwest Climate Action, Anoka Area Climate Action, Indivisible North Metro Environment Team, Resilient Roseville, and Sierra Club North Star Chapter. 

To join, click on this link or copy/paste it into your browser:

Volunteer Opportunities

The next Good Neighbor Meal is this Saturday, December 10th. Sign up here to help prepare and serve.

We need help watering the plants this winter. Sign up here to help.

Family Ministry Updates

Encore | Sunday, November 20 |  7:00-8:30pm | Fellowship Hall Lounge

Encore is Peace’s middle-school and high school group which meets on the 1st & 3rd Sundays from 7:00-8:30pm.  We will cover a variety of topics throughout the year and always welcome input on activities, topics, questions you have about faith, culture, politics…topics you think would be helpful for a progressive, socially minded, church youth group to talk about! Feel free to bring a friend, beverage or snack.

Family Game Nights | Returning in 2023!

We’ve loved hosting Family Game Nights all summer and fall. It’s been great to connect with one another and share good food and good fun. In December we have the Advent Dinner on December 11th and encourage families to sign-up for a great night. We will resume Family Game Nights in January…so keep an eye out for the next date!