Celebrating 60!

THIS SUNDAY! It’s finally here! The Sunday we’ve been planning and waiting for. 135+ people, 4 former pastors, 1 Bishop, and an entire history to celebrate.

If you haven’t RSVP’d, we still want to know if you are coming! RSVP: go to Signup Genius (www.signupgenius.com/go/peace60) or call the church at 651-484-2226 and leave a message.

If you forget to RSVP, still come!! We will have extra seating so all can celebrate.

Sunday Preview (October 9, 2022)

Matthew 5:9 | What does it mean to be a PEACEMAKER? We are in the midst of our series called ON YOUR SIDE, looking at the Beatitudes of Jesus. It might seem simple or easy, but being a peacemaker is not as common or as easy as you would think. This Beatitude might be the most controversial and most difficult of the entire group.

Mark Your Calendars

October 9 – 60th Celebration Sunday
October 20-21 – MEA
October 28-30 – COSROW Women’s Retreat
October 30 – All Saints Sunday

L.I.F.E. Group Event – October 28th!

The L.I.F.E. Group will attend The Church Basement Ladies’ new musical comedy “Plowin’ Thru” at a 1pm matinee on Friday, October 28. 

Secure your spot with a check for $28 per person made out to Carol Mills, 5845 Saint Albans Court, Shoreview MN  55126.  Deadline to sign up is Friday October 7.

Volunteer Opportunities

Peace is helping keep Sadie and Joe’s lawn trim and neat this summer while Joe undergoes treatment. Sign up here to help with lawn duty.

The next Good Neighbor Meal is this Saturday, October 8th. Sign up here to help prepare and serve.

Family Ministry Updates

Encore | 1st & 3rd Sundays from 7:00-8:30pm | Fellowship Lounge

Encore is Peace’s middle school and high school group. We began last Sunday, October 2. Thanks for coming and sharing snacks & ideas! We will meet again Sunday, October 16. Start to think about topics that you want to cover, what questions do you have about faith, culture, politics, or other topics you think would be helpful for a progressive, socially-minded, church youth group to talk about! Feel free to bring your own beverage or snack. A light snack will be provided. Family Game night will be prior!

Children’s Church | Begins October 9 | During the Service in the Fellowship Hall

Children’s Church is for kids in Kindergarten through 5th grade. It will take place during the Sunday morning service so younger kids can have their own time of learning at a developmentally appropriate level. The plan would be to dismiss them from the large service after the first hymn is over so they can join Amanda and the volunteers in the Fellowship Hall. Once in the Fellowship Hall, Amanda will lead a short Bible lesson, then kids will go do art projects and talk about the lesson with a volunteer (two groups: K-2nd and 3rd-5th). After the art time, all the kids will come back together for some games and a snack before joining their family for Fellowship Time in the Commons.

Family Game Nights | Sunday October 16  | 5:00-7:00pm

Thanks to everyone who came out on Sunday, September 25, we enjoyed the last of the root beer floats, some football tosses, and noticed the slight changing of the leaves.

Mark your calendars for Sunday, October 16 5:00 – 7:00pm for our next Family Game Night in the Fellowship Hall.  Please note the earlier time.  For this one, bring your favorite chili or dish to share and a board game! Peace will provide cocoa, tea, water & juice. We have giant scrabble, let’s see if we can get a team or a tourney going!  We also plan on bringing in one of the monitors to have some football games on. 

Youth Helping with Good Neighbor Meal  | Saturday, October 29

Youth and families…sign-up to help with the Good Neighbor Meal on October 29th. Wear a costume (if you dare)!

All Saints Sunday  | Sunday October 30 

Young people are encouraged to wear their costumes and we will have a treat bag.