Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Sunday Preview (April 30, 2023)

Our Spring Series: Out of the Box & Outside the Lines.

God often brings order to the chaos. But humans have a way of taking the good and using it for power and control. In those moments, God will lead us to color outside the lines and think out of the box. The revolution of love and justice that Jesus so often preached is just such a moment.

Let’s explore stories of God taking us outside the lines, as we imagine where that type of creativity and imagination might be needed in our world today.

THIS SUNDAY: Moving Mountains | Prayer is both the easiest thing to imagine and sometimes the hardest concept to grasp. Jesus spoke about the importance and posture of prayer in the Sermon on the Mount. His instructions can help us see prayer as a way to disrupt the control that so often holds captive our world and our interior lives. What if prayer can actually move mountains?!

Encore | May 7th

Encore on May 7th will continue to explore the uniqueness of each person by diving into the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator!

Are you an ENTJ or an ISFP or something else entirely? Are you confused about these letters? Are you at all curious?? Then you should come to Encore on May 7th to learn more. Bring a friend!

God designed you uniquely. The more we learn about how we are wired, the better we can show up in the world as our authentic selves – ready to embody love and justice.

Hospitality – Help Needed for the Summer

We need people to help with hospitality starting in MAY!

Sign-up here:

Good Neighbor Meal | This Saturday

The next Good Neighbor Meal is this Saturday, April 29th. Sign up here to help prepare and serve.

Help Peace Plant a Little Free Library – Donations and Funding Needed!

Here’s how you can help:

  • Make a monetary donation in the offering plate, specifying the Little Free Library (or just LFL).
    *If you want us to buy a particular book from the wish tree in the Commons, please put the wish with your check.
    *If you have another book in mind, please write its title on the memo line.
    *If you just want to make a donation and let someone else decide on the book(s), that’s fine, too!
  • Make a monetary donation online through Simple Church Giving at We’ll select a book or books.
  • If you’re interested in helping to keep the library stocked with appropriate material by reviewing its contents occasionally and adding books from our supply, please talk to Cindy Tidball ( or Bonnie Chlebecek ( We hope to get several people to help with this.


Are you graduating this spring? Is someone in your family graduating?

We want to celebrate on June 4th!

Please email us ( by May, 14th.

Membership at Peace?!

Have you transferred your UMC membership to Peace? Are you interested in doing so?

We want to celebrate and recognize your commitment.

Please email us ( by May 7th.

Youth and Family Ministry Updates!

Youth and any interested adults, pencil in your calendars for a Storm Mountain Service Trip July 31-August 4. More details to come! We will be fundraising: bake sales, pancake breakfasts, and flamingo-ing!

Storm Mountain Service Trip

Nursery Help Needed

We could use a few more volunteers to help in the nursery each Sunday. Please contact Amanda if you are interested in any of
these opportunities.

Family Game Night

Family Game Night (FGN) FGN is open to all! Everyone is welcome to bring a friend, a dish to share and a game. Peace will have drinks & desserts. Please join us, 5:00–6:30 pm in Fellowship Hall. Dates for FGN through spring: May 21.

Look forward to seeing you there!


Encore is a spiritually and socially justice minded youth time at Peace. During the summer we will work with the Garden Group on decorating the Little Free Library and with VLAMO (local watershed group). We are open to other projects, games, activities, and ideas!

Easy Details for Each Group

Nursery | Sundays | During Service | Nursery

Children’s Church | Sundays | During Service | Fellowship Hall

Encore | 1st & 3rd Sundays each month | 7:00-8:30pm | Fellowship Hall Lounge

Family Game Night | Sunday, May 21 | 5:00-7:00pm | Fellowship Hall

Upcoming Events

Sunday, April 30 – Confirmation Class (after Sunday Service)

Sunday, May 7 – Communion Sunday

Sunday, May 7 – Encore (Youth Group)

Sunday, May 14 – Mother’s Day!

Sunday, May 21 – Little Free Library Dedication

Sunday, May 21 – Confirmation Class (after Dedication)

Sunday, May 21 – Family Game Night


Peace | The Podcast can be found on Apple, Spotify, Amazon Music, or almost anywhere you find your podcasts.

Most of what you will hear are the Sunday morning messages, with a few additional elements of the Sunday service.

There is also a new page on our website that helps you navigate to the podcast home page. We will also try to embed episodes on this page.

Peace Prayers

Do you have a specific need?

Do you want to share a specific celebration of gratitude?

Peace Prayers is a space to share specific prayer requests and specific celebrations of gratitude. These are not going to be private…these are public. Our plan is to put them in the bulletin and/ or on a slide in The Commons, and include them in the Tuesday News weekly email.

We invite you to share with one another so we can be a praying people – both in times of hurt and struggle, and in times of joy and celebration. 

You can fill-out Peace Prayers HERE

Volunteer Opportunities

The next Good Neighbor Meal is this Saturday, April 29th. Sign up here to help prepare and serve.