Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Sunday’s Preview (September 18, 2022)

This Sunday is RALLY DAY! We are excited to share all the unique and amazing ways that you can get involved in the ministries and opportunities at our church and in our community. Sunday will be different from what we would call a ‘normal’ Sunday morning service.

First – we are setting up our tables IN the sanctuary.

Second – we are creating a time in the middle of the service for people to walk around and ask questions about the different ways to get involved and sign-up for more information.

So come ready to interact. God has wired you with unique gifts to help others flourish and experience God’s love, hope, and justice. Let’s partner together and partner with God as reconciliation is happening.

The State of Peace

Last Sunday, we had our first State of Peace meeting. It was an opportunity to share how the behind-the-scenes activities of our church are going, and our vision for what’s coming next.

The big announcement was that we are formally clarifying our name as PEACE, A United Methodist Community. In consultation with our branding and strategic planning expert, various committees, and the leadership council, we decided to clarify our name as we launch into our future. This name clarification was done to honestly reflect the type of community we are and our on-going connection to the inclusive community of the United Methodist Church. If you have questions about our name, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Email Pastor Jason (

We also announced a new slogan…a missional aspiration of sorts. We know that people want to tell their friends and neighbors about us, but it’s not always easy to know how to do so. Therefore, we came up with this: RECONCILING & GROWING FOR EVERYONE. This is the heartbeat of Peace.

Below are 4 key messages that articulate this message.

We are in the process of editing a video of the State of Peace meeting. Once it is completed, we will send you all a link.

Preview of Jason’s Jot (read more below)

The Bible, according to how some have interpreted it, seems to divided things up into those two categories as well. There are the righteous and the unrighteous, the blessed and the cursed, the saints and the sinners, those who go to heaven and those who go to hell. But there’s a flaw in our thinking.

We have equated human behavior with human identity.

Sunday Service Video

We are still editing the video of Sunday’s service. Once this is completed, we will send you a link.

Reconciliation Book Study

Book Study: How to Be an Anti-Racist by Ibram X. Kendi
As a church committed to reconciliation, the removal of barriers that inhibit healthy relationships and flourishing, Peace Church has received a grant for the purchase of books for a study on racial reconciliation. We have chosen How to Be an Anti-Racist, the renowned book by author Ibram X. Kendi. 

This study will take place over five meetings this fall as a special lunch break. Here are the dates/times:
Tuesday, October 11  | 12:00-1:00pm
Tuesday, October 25 | 12:00-1:00pm
Tuesday, November 8 | 12:00-1:00pm
Tuesday, November 22 | 12:00-1:00pm
Tuesday, December 6 | 12:00-1:00pm

We will plan for both in-person and virtual attendance (a Zoom link will be sent out to all participants).

Please email Pastor Jason ( if you are interested in this study and would like a copy of the book.

Mark Your Calendars

September 18 – Rally Sunday
October 2 – Communion (back to first Sundays)
October 9 – 60th Celebration Sunday
October 20-21 – MEA
October 28-30 – Women’s Retreat
October 30 – All Saints Sunday

Celebrating 60!

Join us on Sunday, October 9th for a special celebration as Peace turns 60. We are inviting the whole family – current participants and members, as well as past members, staff, and pastors. This celebration is for everyone!

We want to know if you are coming! RSVP for the luncheon: by October 1st go to Signup Genius ( or call the church at 651-484-2226 and leave a message.

Family Ministry Updates

Family Game Nights
Thanks to everyone who came out on August 21; we enjoyed croquet, floats, and a beautiful sunset. Mark your calendars for our next Family Game Night on Sunday, September 25. We plan on grilling over the fire, eating up the s’mores, and enjoying more floats and games. Let Amanda know if you have any special game requests! In October we might change up the menu–maybe bring your favorite crockpot dish?

Summer Book Club
Our final session has been re-scheduled for September 25 from 11:15-12:15 in The Gathering Place. There was interest in meeting and discussing the book as parents and caregivers. Feel free to attend even if you haven’t read it. We may watch Brene Brown’s Ted Talk, or we may just discuss chapters 5-7 (read it ahead of time if you can). The book is Daring Greatly by Brene Brown.

Volunteer Opportunities

Peace is helping keep Sadie and Joe’s lawn trim and neat this summer while Joe undergoes treatment. Sign up here to help with lawn duty.

The next Good Neighbor Meal is, October 8th. Sign up here to help prepare and serve.

Help us expand the ways we invite others into our faith community through our hospitality:

  • Sunday morning fellowship treats
  • Sunday morning greeting and name tags
  • Wedding coordinator
  • Funeral coordinator

Talk to Quita Bertelsen or Sue Fried, or sign up here to help with hospitality.

Jason’s Jot

I really love movies…surprise! I know, I know…you already knew that. But as I’ve gotten older the thing I appreciate more and more when I watch a good movie is a complicated character – someone who isn’t always perfect and wonderful, who makes all the right choices and never has a flaw. When I was younger, I loved this type of character. I wanted to know who was the hero and who was the villain. Life is just simpler when we can divide things up into those two categories.

And the Bible, according to how some have interpreted it, seems to divided things up into those two categories as well. There are the righteous and the unrighteous, the blessed and the cursed, the saints and the sinners, those who go to heaven and those who go to hell. But there’s a flaw in our thinking.

We have equated human behavior with human identity.

In The Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-8), Jesus starts with a list of items that have commonly been called The Beatitudes…these phrases that all start with ‘Blessed be…’. And when we read those phrases, it seems on the surface to be saying that God has ‘blessed’ those on the list. AND, in some instances where people have been rejected or outcast, it’s necessary to know that God is uniquely blessing you (or on your side).

But if God is on the side of people who are poor in spirit, does that mean God isn’t on the side of those who are rich in spirit? If God is on the side of those who are mourning, what about those of us who aren’t in mourning – is God not on our side?

I think this oversimplifies the Bible. We need to read it with a level of nuance.

Instead, I think that God has always and everywhere loved every human – each made in the image of God with a unique and special worthiness. There isn’t a human on the planet or throughout history who has been separated from God’s love. Some might reject it – but God doesn’t stop offering it.

Therefore, the blessing of God is on certain behaviors and trajectories that align with love and hope and grace and justice. Each person, no matter their station in life or their previous choices, can align with these trajectories.

Think of it in the opposite way: some choices and behaviors run in the opposite direction of love and grace and justice. Some choices and behaviors actually destroy love and trample on justice. This doesn’t mean the person is outside God’s ability to love, but their choices are not loving.

God doesn’t ‘bless’ those choices – how could God?

We are not either a good guy or a bad guy (I’m using the word ‘guy’ in the most non-gendered way possible). We are not either the hero or the villain.

We are people who make hard choices in life. Some choices are wonderful and beautiful and lead towards love and compassion. Some choices are selfish and hurtful and lead towards broken relationships. God is on your side. And God wants you to move towards a trajectory where all flourish.