Thursday, January 26, 2023

Sunday Preview (January 29, 2023)

HOW WE GROW | We’ve built the container. We are struggling with doubt or wrestling with our faith. We want to be committed and stay curious. So now what? What does faith look like as I keep moving forward? Let’s examine a re-ordered faith. A faith that includes and transcends.

Spiritual Formation is the process by which our faith and our concept of the divine and how we make meaning of the world and our life evolves, atrophies, stagnates, and/ or grows over time.

Romans 12.2 – Be transformed by changing the way you think.


Join us this Sunday for a fun time of connection. Peace will provide the desserts and drinks.

Bring a dish to share…and a game if you have a favorite.

Annual Giving Statements

Annual Giving Statements for 2022 are now available.  You may pick up your statement on Sunday at the Welcome table The Commons.  Statements that are not picked up will be mailed on January 31.

This Sunday is a 5th SUNDAY

We have a tradition at Peace of giving an extra offering on the fifth Sunday of a month, to be used toward paying extra principal on the mortgage.  This Sunday, January 29, is a fifth Sunday.  Just write “5th Sunday” in the memo line of a check or add to the outside of an envelope.  We appreciate your help to reduce the mortgage!


We’ve started a PODCAST!

Peace | The Podcast can be found on Apple, Spotify, Amazon Music, or almost anywhere you find your podcasts.

Most of what you will hear are the Sunday morning messages, with a few additional elements of the Sunday service.

There is also a new page on our website that helps you navigate to the podcast home page. We will also try to embed episodes on this page.

Peace Prayers

  • Hiyala requests prayer for her great grandsons who are being raised by their grandmother. Prayers for stamina and health and growing relationship.

Do you have a specific need?

Do you want to share a specific celebration of gratitude?

Peace Prayers is a space to share specific prayer requests and specific celebrations of gratitude. These are not going to be private…these are public. Our plan is to put them in the bulletin and/ or on a slide in The Commons, and include them in the Tuesday News weekly email.

We invite you to share with one another so we can be a praying people – both in times of hurt and struggle, and in times of joy and celebration. 

You can fill-out Peace Prayers HERE

Volunteer Opportunities

The next Good Neighbor Meal is this Saturday, February 11th. Sign up here to help prepare and serve.

We need help watering the plants this winter. Sign up here to help.

Next Sermon Series – RUTH

In February, we will look at the story of Naomi and Ruth. Their journey from Moab to Israel will impact how we love, see, and live.

On February 12th, Pastor Jen Spickelmier from Osseo UMC will be joining us.