Special Outdoor Worship Service on Sunday!

On Sunday, June 5, we have another opportunity to try out the new benches in the outdoor worship area! We will recognize our 2022 graduates and bless our animals. See you there at 10 am! (In case of bad weather, we will gather in the sanctuary as usual. Pets are still welcome if they’re accustomed to being indoors.)

Summer Events for your Calendar

June 12 – Communion, Encore group
June 26 – Family Game Night
July 3 (Independence Day weekend) – outdoor worship
July 10 – Communion, Encore group
July 24 – Family Game Night
August 7 – outdoor worship and blessing of the animals
August 14 – Communion, Encore group
August 28 – Family Game Night
September 4 (Labor Day weekend) – outdoor worship

Summer Worship and Music

You are invited to share your favorite Bible passages, stories, or characters with Pastor Jason, and he will build worship services around one of your themes each week. If you want to contribute musically to a summer service, please sign up here.

So What Happened at Annual Conference?

Annual Conference was particularly eventful for Peace. On Tuesday night, Pastor Jason was commissioned as a Licensed Local Pastor. And on Wednesday afternoon, Pastor Gary was honored as a retiring clergy. We pause to celebrate the wonderful years of ministry that Pastor Gary has given to the Minnesota Annual Conference and to the many lives that have been impacted by his work. Additionally, there were a handful of key pieces of legislation passed, including the increased role for a Racial Justice Organizer and the creation of a Storytelling Space to Begin LGBTQ+ Reconciliation. Read all about this year’s Annual Conference.

Ringers of Peace Go on the Road

The Ringers of Peace are heading to Duluth for the Area 7 handbell festival Friday-Sunday, June 10-12. This every-other-year festival was canceled in 2020 (thanks, COVID!) so our ringers are really looking forward to it. The festival concludes with a public concert on Sunday afternoon at 1:30 at the Duluth Entertainment Convention Center (DECC); you’re more than welcome to come and listen to numerous handbell choirs from across several states who’ve come together to learn the same music and ring it all together. The audience is encouraged to bring items or cash donations for the Duluth CHUM Food Shelf.

Thank you to Steve Ruble for coordinating the music for worship at Peace that Sunday morning.

Video of Bobby Jo Valentine Concert at Peace

Peace Community of Faith was privileged to host a concert by nationally known singer/songwriter Bobby Jo Valentine on March 26th. Bobby Jo agreed to allow us to make a video of that concert, which we are pleased to make available here. The concert was both part of the congregation’s celebration surrounding the retirement of Pastor Gary Walpole and a benefit for OutFront Minnesota. Through a freewill offering at the concert, almost $2000 was raised.

Tracking COVID?

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Learn when to quarantine and when to isolate

Love and Prayers

Joe and Sadie Hatcher recently received the tough medical news that Joe has lung cancer which has spread. He has begun his treatment plan of chemo and radiation. Joe and Sadie have always been quick to help others in need. Now we have the opportunity to help them this summer by taking care of their lawn for them. Joe and Sadie live at 4387 Bambi Lane, White Bear Township, MN 55110. Please keep Joe and Sadie in your prayers.

Weekly volunteers are also needed to maintain the church grounds by mowing on Thursdays or Fridays so our church yard looks neat for weekend worship, Saturday morning for our Redeemer Salvation congregation and Sunday morning for Peace folks. (But Saturday afternoon works in a pinch.) It takes about three hours for one person to mow and weed whip.

Use this link to sign up for either of these opportunities, as often as you wish: 

Good Neighbor Meal: June 11

Please use the new, updated link to check that no one who signed up with the old link got left off when the new one was created. The link has been updated on the Connections and Partnerships page of our website.