Pastor Gary and Becky on vacation March 1-16

Pastor Linda Koelman will preach for him while he is gone, and members of the steering committee will also provide leadership. If you have need of pastoral care during that time, you may contact either Linda Koelman (612-598-7743) or Rev. Holly Aastuen (651-757-7849).

We will celebrate Communion together on Sunday, March 6. Both regular and gluten-free wafers will be available.

Feedback on the Peace Church Profile

The Profile Team will host two listening posts for the purpose of gathering feedback on the church profile they have put together. Our District Superintendent will be sharing this profile with clergy potentially interested in becoming our new pastor in May. Listening posts will be held on the next two Sundays, March 6 and 13, immediately after worship in the Gathering Place. Read the Peace Church Profile here.

Humanitarian Aid to Ukraine

The General Board of Global Ministries of The United Methodist Church is deeply troubled by the conflict between Russia and Ukraine and the ominous implications it has for escalating tensions between Russia and Western nations. We join many Christian leaders and organizations worldwide in deploring the Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24, and we ardently pray for a redirection of military action toward diplomatic measures to resolve grievances. United Methodists are people of peace.

While Global Ministries has no administrative role in the affairs of annual conferences, districts or congregations in Russia or Ukraine, we are partners in mission with church units and projects in those countries. We have placed numerous missionaries and young adult Global Mission Fellows in the region over the years and accept applications for missionary and mission volunteer service from both countries. We currently have no mission personnel in Ukraine.

We pray for the peace and security of United Methodists in Ukraine and Russia and for all of their neighbors, and that tranquility will prevail over their lives and countries.  

The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR), the humanitarian relief arm of Global Ministries, is in communication with partners in the region and actively exploring the coordination of humanitarian response in Ukraine. Support UMCOR’s international disaster response efforts by making a gift to Advance #982450.

Fall Women’s Retreat

On October 28-30, women of Peace are invited to join COSROW at the annual women’s retreat. The theme will be “Louise Erdrich: A Native American Woman’s Perspective on Life and Liberty.” Cost is $250 for a private room and meals from Friday dinner through Sunday lunch, and ARC Retreat Center near Cambridge, MN will host us. Besides discussion and camaraderie, the schedule includes morning stretch, craft and free time, home-cooked meals, and Sunday worship. Evening movies and s’mores at the fire ring are likely, too.

Please register by March 13 and pay online with a $125 deposit to hold your spot. We have five places available at this time. Scholarships are available for first-time attendees. Contact Pam Jacobson ( with questions.

Wanted: Monitor 50” or larger 

This will be placed in the back of the sanctuary so worship leaders can see what’s displayed on the front monitors without turning their backs to the congregation. If you have one to donate, please talk to trustee Tom Jacobson (651-328-4793).

Good Neighbor Meal on March 12

The next Good Neighbor Meal will be Saturday, March 12. Sign up to help at Sign-up Genius. Note that indoor dining will resume in April, and so volunteers may sign up for one or both time slots. If you have already signed up for a meal in April or beyond, please check Sign-up Genius to make sure you are still signed up, and for the right time(s).

March 12 Reconciling Event 

You are invited to join with other MN Reconciling United Methodists on Saturday, March 12 at 12:45 pm. Our denomination is in limbo; there is racial unrest; we don’t know what’s happening with the pandemic. How do we survive this time of uncertainty? Come hear Rev. Leah Rosso, First UMC of the St. Cloud Region, speak on “How to take care of ourselves in times of turmoil” as well as hear Reconciling updates.  The closest location is Faith UMC in St. Anthony (2708 33rd Avenue North East, Saint Anthony, MN, 55418). See other gathering locations at or view the live-stream at

Bobby Jo Valentine: Did You Know?

Bobby Jo Valentine’s artistry crosses the lines of many genres, but his thoughtful lyrics and catchy melodies reach listeners on all paths of life. The authentic, heartfelt nature of his songs have won him Songwriter of the Year at both the West Coast Songwriter’s Association and the SoCo Songwriter Competition, the Nashville Next Level Songwriter award, and more. He’s sold over 20,000 albums and performed more than 1500 concerts, all without a record label, with the support of devoted groups of fans and friends who grow in number after every performance.

On any given weekend, you can find Bobby performing at a wild spread of venues…a festival, a house concert, a gay men’s retreat, or a spiritual community. Bobby’s music has appeared on radio and television, including a commercial for the recent Ford Fusion ©, ABC’s morning show The Morning Blend, and the award winning film The Groom’s Cake. His songs have received airplay from KGO, KRSH, and other radio stations nationwide.

Take a break from your busy day and watch his TEDX talk here.

We’re halfway to full sponsorship of the concert. Won’t you take a few minutes now to support Bobby Jo’s concert at Peace, the LGBTQ community, and Gary’s leadership at Peace Church? (Any extra funds collected will be combined with the donations received at the concert for OutFront Minnesota.) Complete concert details (including a link for sponsorship donations) are posted on a special website page at

Bobby Jo will also bring his music to us during worship on Sunday morning, March 27.

Day on the Hill

Mark your calendar for Day on the Hill, sponsored by the Joint Religious Legislative Coalition (JRLC). Join in virtually on the evening of Tuesday, March 15, from 6:30-8:45 pm. Keynote speaker is Maharat Rori Pick Neiss, a faith leader in the Jewish Orthodox tradition and Executive Director of the St. Louis Jewish Community Relations Council. 

Register at

Yoga, Aerial Yoga, and Healing with Hiyala

Yoga classes meet in-person on Tuesday mornings from 9:39-10:45 am, and via Zoom on Tuesdays at 5:30 pm. Cost for Peace participants is $30 for three sessions.Aerial yoga is by private sessions and can be up to four people. One person private is $60; group price is $20-$30 depending on size of the group.Healing sessions include Reiki (light resting of hands, mostly on joints) and Thai yoga therapy (limb manipulation to full range of motion with coordinated breathing and relaxation). These sessions take place in the meditation room. Charge is $65/hour for Peace participants, and $75 for the public. Contact: Hiyala at