Next Sunday: July 3, 2022

Jason’s Message – As many this weekend reflect on what it means to live in America, it is common to be reminded of how polarized we are. We might share a history and we might want a flourishing future, but our differing values and perspectives often create walls. Jesus told a story in Luke 10 about being a neighbor. It was politically intriguing, theologically challenging, and individually humbling. What can we learn from this familiar story?

Outdoor Worship – Join us in the outdoor worship area on this Independence Day weekend!

Jason’s Jots: Reflections from last Sunday

Maybe actual wrestling should teach us something about metaphorical wrestling. I like to wrestle with my faith, wrestle with politics, wrestle with people in my life. It can be almost addicting…to always be in conflict or tension. It can even become a person’s identity. But is it always good for me?
(Read more below in Jason’s Jots!)

Summer Events for your Calendar

July 10 – Communion, Summer Book Club
July 24 – Family Game Night
August 7 – outdoor worship and blessing of the animals
August 7-12 – Storm Mountain service trip
August 14 – Communion, Summer Book Club
August 28 – last worship experience with Dave and Cindy Tidball on staff
August 28 – Family Game Night
September 4 (Labor Day weekend) – outdoor worship

Summer Worship and Music

Pastor Jason is waiting to hear about your favorite Bible passages, stories, or characters that he can use as themes for the summer’s worship services; send your ideas to him at If you want to contribute musically to a summer service, please sign up here.

Good Neighbor Meals: Volunteers Needed for July 9

We especially need summer volunteers; only three people are signed up so far for July 9! Please sign up soon! Use this link to volunteer to help prepare and serve meals to food-insecure individuals down by the capitol. The link is also found–any time!–on the Connections and Partnerships page of our website.

Family Ministries Update

Family Ministry Summer Plans At Peace
Hello, Peace Families! Thanks for joining us for June’s Family Game Night! We enjoyed the Dominos pizza and the strong breeze–the wind made the kites a main attraction.

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions, would like to see any particular events or activities, or just to say ‘Hi!’ Find me at or 651-587-3451. 

Children’s Church and Nursery
Children’s Church is ideal for our elementary-age participants, and we will hang out all summer long! This week we will be painting rocks as a response to the scripture.

We are also looking for volunteers who love to hang out with young children. Each Sunday we would like two nursery volunteers (9:45-11 am) and one or two volunteers to assist with Children’s Church (10:15-11 am). Please let Amanda know if you’re interested ( or 651-587-3451).

Summer Book Club
Sundays: July 10 and August 14
11:15 am-12:15 pm in the Gathering Place

Any interested readers may read and discuss segments of Brene Brown’s book, Daring Greatly: How the Courage to be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead. Contact me ( or 651-587-3451) if you need a copy of the book. We will read through Chapter 4 to discuss on July 10, and Chapters 5-7 for August 14. 

Family Game Nights
Sundays: July 24 and August 28
5:30-7:30 pm in Outdoor Worship Area
(Fellowship Hall in case of rain)

Monthly dinner and game nights are back! It’s summer, so let’s have a potluck and grill out! Bring a friend, all are welcome! Peace will provide dinner ware, hot dogs (including a veggie option), buns, and some outdoor games. We will have tables set up for eating and board games.  The bonfire will be available for s’mores. Families bring a friend, their own games, lawn chairs and beverages.

Storm Mountain Service Trip
Save the dates: August 7-12
Interested youth and adult chaperones may contact Amanda (651-587-3451 or Our reservation is confirmed, so now we need to know who (both youth and adults) wants to come. Lodging is provided because this is a service project, so your only expense for Storm Mountain is your food ($125), plus transportation and fees.

Encore Returns in the Fall
Encore is our group for middle and high school grades. During the academic year, we meet on the 1st and 3rd Sundays in the Gathering Place after church (11:15-noon).  We have a lot of busy young people and it can be a challenge to get together over the summer.  Heads up, Pastor Jason or I will be reaching out to you to get coffee and connect 1:1.  

Employment Openings

With joy and sadness, we are nearing the retirement of Dave and Cindy Tidball at the end of August. Their shoes will be impossible to fill, but we are attempting to do our best. We have four open positions (Director of AdministrationWorship LeaderChoir DirectorAudio Technician) that are now posted on our website. If you or someone you know is interested in applying for one of these roles, please click on the above links to see a description of the position and how to apply. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Jason ( 

Rod Hanson’s Memorial Service

Some of you may remember Rod and Diana Hanson, former members of Peace Church, who have since moved to Lacey, Washington. Rod recently passed away and Diana has shared his memorial service with us.

Sign up now to help mow!

Summer lawns don’t go on vacation; they just sit outside our churches and homes and keep on growing! Sign-Up Genius offers opportunities for mowing both at Peace and at Sadie and Joe’s house this summer.

Musical Montessori

Preschool openings for 2022/2023 school year
The Musical Montessori Preschool has full time (8:15 am-3:45 pm, M-F) openings for the upcoming school year. Ages served: 33 months – Pre-Kindergarten.  

For more information, call Katherine at 651-274-6569 or visit

Morning Preschool Assistant needed for the upcoming school year 
The Musical Montessori Preschool is looking for a special someone to assist in the classroom.  

Must be 18 yrs of age; background in music and/or child development/psychology preferred. Above average pay and fantastic positive, peaceful work environment. Hours are 8-11:30 am, M-F. 

We follow the Mounds View school calendar for all days off. 

For more information, call Katherine at 651-274-6569.

Emma Norton News

Emma Norton has a long history with the United Methodist Church in Minnesota. Emma Norton Residence is a home for single women who often have experienced trauma, and Emma’s Place is comprised of residences for single moms and homeless families with three or more children. Both are located in the St. Paul area.

Their Summer of Opportunity campaign pays for fun and educational activities throughout the summer. They’ve already put out patio furniture, strung fairy lights, and installed a fire pit on the main patio at Emma Norton Residence, as well as hosting a Juneteenth event at Emma’s place; and they’re just a quarter of the way to their goal of $5,000. Donate at

If you’re looking for a way to give back to your community this summer, consider a volunteer opportunity such as gardening, leading crafting activities with kids, or hosting a bingo night. To volunteer, contact Victoria at

Jason’s Jots

Reflecting on Sunday’s Message…

Have you ever wrestled anyone? It can be so fun! Time just seems to fly by when I’m having a great time wrestling my boys. But have you ever really wrestled someone? It can be exhausting. In high school, wrestling matches only last 6 minutes. In college, only 7 minutes. And at the end of the match the people wrestling are typically dripping sweat and ready to fall over. It should be the new workout trend. 

Maybe actual wrestling should teach us something about metaphorical wrestling. I like to wrestle with my faith, wrestle with politics, wrestle with people in my life. It can be almost addicting…to always be in conflict or tension. It can even become a person’s identity. But is it always good for me (the key word is always)? 

Jacob wrestles with God on the shore of the river. He is persistent and stubborn, demanding a blessing. When the blessing comes, his name is changed to Israel – which means: one who wrestles with God and with humans and is able. This is the name of God’s people – those who wrestle and are able. 

I’m often comforted by the wrestling part of that name. I love that this story normalizes that wrestling with God and others is part of what we do. It’s what it means to be human. We struggle and toil and long and grow and stretch. We enter into the tension and we strive for something more. 

I’m also exhausted by the wrestling part of that name. I might enjoy some forms of wrestling – talking theology and politics – but other forms of wrestling can be hurtful or even dangerous. I come away feeling beat up or defeated. 

But I forget the ‘able’ part. Jacob finishes the wrestling. Jacob reconciles with his brother Esau. There is a rest that comes after the wrestling. Maybe the wrestling – when held appropriately – makes room for the rest to occur. 

Where are you finding rest in the midst of the wrestle? Do you need to take a break from the tension so your body, mind, and soul can recharge…knowing that you will need to re-enter the arena? Who can you talk to about this need? 

Let’s be people who wrestle. But let’s also be people who remember that we are able.