Sunday’s Preview: August 28

Faith and Christianity have become such a cognitive endeavor over the centuries. We’ve got creeds and dogmas and doctrines and statements of faith and sacraments – and the lists could go on. But the story in the Bible is about a trajectory of being in the world, connected to God, living harmoniously with creation, and moving into our heart. It’s meant to be an incarnational faith…one that becomes flesh, lived out. Let’s challenge one another to move towards our hearts, while appreciating our minds. From head to heart.

Preview…Jason’s Jots (read more below)

In Ephesians 2:10, Paul writes that we all are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works that God prepared in advance for us to do. The Greek word that is translated as ‘workmanship’ is poiema…it’s where we get our English word ‘poem’. I love this idea! You are God’s poem!

Events for Your Calendar

August 28 – Dave and Cindy Tidball Retirement Celebration (after worship)
September 4 – Last Outdoor Worship (Labor Day Sunday)
September 11 – Blessing of the Backpacks, Communion, State of Peace (after the service)
September 18 – Rally Sunday
October 2 – Communion (back to first Sundays)
October 9 – 60th Celebration Sunday
October 20-21 – MEA
October 28-30 – Women’s Retreat
October 30 – All Saints Sunday

Retirement Celebration

That dreadfully bittersweet day is approaching quickly when Dave and Cindy Tidball will retire from the staff of Peace church.
Next Sunday, August 28th, is their last Sunday, and we would like to celebrate their years of service, creativity, friendship, and guidance within our Peace community.  Following worship (11:15ish) there will be a potluck lunch outside, weather permitting.  Please plan to bring a dish/dessert to share.  All dinnerware, lemonade and water will be provided.  There are a few tasks on the attached sign up genius and a place for you to rsvp.
Peace United Methodist Church: Retirement celebration for Dave & Cindy (
Also, a card station has been set up in the sanctuary for you to write a personal note to Dave and Cindy.  These cards will be given to them on the 28th.  If you are not able to make it to the celebration, please feel free to send them a note at or

Coming Highlights

Blessing of the Backpacks
On Sunday, September 11th we will celebrate the start of the new school year with a blessing of the backpacks during our Sunday morning service. From pre-K through college, bring a backpack and bring a friend…we will have a special backpack tag for everyone!

The State of Peace
Also on Sunday, September 11th, stay around after the service for a short 30-minute all-church meeting. We want to update everyone on all the work we’ve been doing over the summer and our plans for the fall. We will get brief updates from committees and Pastor Jason. 

Rally Day!
On Sunday, September 18th we will launch the new fall season with our annual Rally Day. Leaders from every ministry and opportunity at our church will be present to share about how we can all find a way to get involved in the dynamic work of our church. We have big dreams…so we need everyone to join the team!

Book Study: How to Be an Anti-Racist by Ibram X. Kendi
As a church committed to reconciliation, the removal of barriers that inhibit healthy relationships and flourishing, Peace Church has received a grant for the purchase of books for a study on racial reconciliation. We have chosen How to Be an Anti-Racist, the renowned book by author Ibram X. Kendi. 

This study will take place over five meetings this fall as a special lunch break. Here are the dates/times:
Tuesday, October 11  | 12:00-1:00pm
Tuesday, October 25 | 12:00-1:00pm
Tuesday, November 8 | 12:00-1:00pm
Tuesday, November 22 | 12:00-1:00pm
Tuesday, December 6 | 12:00-1:00pm

We will plan for both in-person and virtual attendance (a Zoom link will be sent out to all participants).

Please email Pastor Jason ( if you are interested in this study and would like a copy of the book.

Family Ministry Updates

Family Game Nights
Thanks to everyone who came out on August 21; we enjoyed croquet, floats, and a beautiful sunset. Mark your calendars for our next Family Game Night on Sunday, September 25. We plan on grilling over the fire, eating up the smores, and enjoying more floats and games. Let Amanda know if you have any special game requests! In October we might change up the menu–maybe bring your favorite crockpot dish?

Service Saturdays
This Saturday, August 27, Family Ministries is doing a service project in our own backyard. Literally. We will weed and mulch a section of trees in the front, and weed and replenish the pea gravel in the outdoor worship space. We have to keep those new benches poppin’! Inside we’ll set up a new game and lounge area for the youth. Then we have pizza and movie night at Peace. Be sure to let Amanda know if you’re attending! The more hands, the more we can accomplish!

On our last Service Saturday, we prepared and served chicken tacos and ice cream sundaes for the Good Neighbor Meal in St. Paul. We had a great crew and wonderful guests. Afterwards we checked out the local ice cream legend: Dar’s Double Scoop. Thanks for your service!

Children’s Church
Children’s Church returns on Sunday morning, September 11 from 10:15-11 am for our elementary-age participants. We will have two small groups, lower and upper elementary. We will reach out for volunteers to lead prepared lessons.

Summer Book Club
Our final session, originally scheduled for August 14, 11:15 am-12:15 pm in the Gathering Place, has been re-scheduled for September 11 (same time and location). There was interest in meeting and discussing the book as parents and caregivers. Feel free to attend even if you haven’t read it. We may watch Brene Brown’s Ted Talk, or we may just discuss chapters 5-7 (read it ahead of time if you can). The book is Daring Greatly by Brene Brown.

Encore Group
Our middle school and high school students will re-convene beginning on Sunday evening, September 11 from 5-7 pm in the Fellowship Hall Lounge. Be thinking about topics you want to cover, questions you may have about faith, culture, politics, or whatever you and your friends would find helpful in a church youth group.

Peace is Turning 60! We need photos and addresses

We need some help getting a few pictures. Here are a couple gaps we have…

  • Outdoor worship area being built or pictures of it being enjoyed
  • Confirmation photos from 1962-1984, 1997, 1998, 2000-present

Photos can be emailed to Pam Jacobson (

We also need up-to-date addresses (US mail and/or email) for former members of Peace. If you have stayed in touch with former members, we’d appreciate your sending their addresses to Lesa Monroe ( so we can invite as many people as possible and celebrate well together.

Volunteer Opportunities

Peace is helping keep Sadie and Joe’s lawn trim and neat this summer while Joe undergoes treatment. Sign up here to help with lawn duty.

The next Good Neighbor Meal is just days away, August 27. Sign up here to help prepare and serve.

Help us expand the ways we invite others into our faith community through our hospitality:

  • Sunday morning fellowship treats
  • Sunday morning greeting and name tags
  • Wedding coordinator
  • Funeral coordinator

Talk to Quita Bertelsen or Sue Fried, or sign up here to help with hospitality.

Jason’s Jots

In Ephesians 2:10, Paul writes that we all are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works that God prepared in advance for us to do. The Greek word that is translated as ‘workmanship’ is poiema…it’s where we get our English word ‘poem’. I love this idea! You are God’s poem!

On Sunday, we talked about how we are made in God’s image…and as God is a creative artist who brought order to chaos, saw wonder in the mundane, encouraged prophets to speak truth to power, and rose beauty from the ashes – we too are called to live as artists in the world. 

Ephesians 2 indicates that God uniquely, thoughtfully, and creatively put us together like a poem. AND that God did so with something in mind for us to do. 

Now some people might use this passage to indicate that God has all the future mapped out and set…that there is no free will. But I would contend that this passage is pointing us towards meaning and purpose. The good work that God has for us is our unique way to bring the Kingdom to earth as it is in heaven. 

What is your purpose and meaning? What are you contributing to the ordering of the chaos? How are you seeing beauty in the ashes? What truth are you going to speak to power, and how are you going to speak it? What wonder and awe do you notice in the mundane?

In each of these ways we are living as God’s poem. We are living as people created in Christ. We are living with good work to do.