by Cindy Tidball | Mar 29, 2021 | Peace Time, Worship
Holy, Wholly. The stories of Jesus’ healing ministry are filled with words and deeds. Our ability to forgive ourselves and others is the foundation that can transform infirmities and allow us to move on. We integrate our beliefs and actions for the health of the...
by Cindy Tidball | Mar 22, 2021 | Uncategorized, Worship
Restoration. The challenges and fears of following Jesus are great. He shows us that sometimes we must make extraordinary efforts to move in a new direction. Thanks for joining...
by Cindy Tidball | Mar 15, 2021 | Peace Time, Uncategorized, Worship
Different Pictures. Prolonged times of difficulty can impede our ability to stay creative. The picture of our lives is dulled and hope for a brighter future can fade. We need a touch of inspiration to awaken us from our sleep, as we hear in one of this week’s...
by Cindy Tidball | Mar 8, 2021 | Peace Time, Worship
Stories. Those who collect beach glass often become “archeologists,” seeking out any markings or clues as to the story of the original piece. It often takes much time to bring out the truth behind it. Thanks for joining us! Peace Time in-person...
by Cindy Tidball | Feb 22, 2021 | Peace Time, Worship
Treasure. Beach glass begins as something whole and yet discarded. As it is tumbled by the sea, it is broken and polished until it becomes a treasured “mineral gem.” Thanks for joining us! Peace Time in-person worship experiences, like this one, are recorded, sent...