Dear Participants of Peace Community of Faith,
Following the recommendations of the Minnesota Annual Conference I am stopping in-person worship at Peace for the foreseeable future.
October 23rd saw the highest daily rate of Covid 19 cases in the United States since the beginning of the pandemic. Cases reported in Minnesota have been on a steady increase with 491 cases being reported on September 1 up to 2,259 cases being reported on October 27th.
The next six to 12 weeks will be critical, according to Dr. Michael Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota and one of the nation’s leading infectious disease experts.
We will continue our current worship series “Life of the Soul” online. Because the decision to stop in-person worship was not made until today, Wednesday October 28th, the next Peace Time Worship Experience will be sent out on Monday November 2nd.
However, Peace is remaining open for groups of ten or less.
We will continue to be creative in how we minister and share worship together in these unprecedented times, and together we can make it through this pandemic.
In Christ’s Love, Gary